The CircuitPython community reached a big milestone together! There are 503 CircuitPython Libraries!
The CircuitPython Library Bundle and Community Library Bundle contain all the current libraries available for CircuitPython. CircuitPython libraries are separate files designed to work with CircuitPython code. CircuitPython programs require a lot of information to run.
CircuitPython is so simple to use because most of this information is processed in the background and stored in libraries. Some libraries are built into CircuitPython. Others are downloaded and stored on your CIRCUITPY drive in a folder called lib.
The full list of all the CircuitPython libraries contained in the library bundle can be found on the libraries page.
Previous Milestones:
- 400 Libraries – January 23, 2023
- 300 Libraries – February 22, 2021
- 200 Libraries – December 10, 2019
- 104 Libraries – October 25, 2018

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