NEW PRODUCT – Pimoroni Pico Plus 2 – RP2350 Dev Board with Pico Shape and Pins – PIM724
The Pimoroni Pico Plus 2 is a top of the line Pirate-brand RP2350 microcontroller with 16MB of flash memory, 8MB of PSRAM, USB-C, Qw/ST, and debug connectors. It’s an excellent ‘drop in’ upgrade to the classic Pico 2 when you need MOAR power and memory.
We adore the versatility and value of Raspberry Pi Pico 2, but we also enjoy a souped-up RP2350 board with all the extras baked in. The team at Pimoroni crammed in as much extra functionality as they possibly could whilst keeping to the original Pico footprint to maintain compatibility with existing Pico add-ons.
Check out our collection of PiCowbells for ways to extend/expand your Pico Plus’s hardware capabilities
Pimoroni Pico Plus 2 has the same shape and pinout as the classic Pico 2 but with the ‘B variant of the RP2350 which lets them shoehorn in so much more:
- powered and programmable via USB-C
- comes with an upgraded 8MB PSRAM
- 16MB of flash storage
- Easy-to-read pin labels. It’s super easy to connect up to things without soldering
- Qwiic/Stemma connector (for adding I2C sensors and breakouts via cable)
- SP/CE connector (for hooking up SPI/serial devices via cable)
- JST-SH Debug connector (for if you like to program using a SWD debugger)
- Reset button (luxury!)
- BOOT button, which can also be used as a user switch.
from Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers!
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