суббота, 28 августа 2021 г.

From NPR: These Books Should Have Been On Our Original 2011 Sci Fi And Fantasy List

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I’m a sucker for a literary round-up — I think the experience of scrolling through one is the perfect blend of ego and anticipation; patting myself on the back for seeing a book I’ve read and feeling true excitement for future-me who now has so many fun books ahead. This now updated list from NPR is definitely a good one. I must personally applaud the inclusion of Zamyatin’s We, which, published in 1924, offers one of the earliest and best examples of sci-fi world building

Way back in the dawn of time — by which I mean 2011 — we ran our original science fiction and fantasy poll and came up with a list of 100 favorite science fiction and fantasy books. The process was broadly similar to the way we do it today: Readers voted, and a panel of judges argued about which books did and didn’t meet the critera they’d laid out.

There are a lot of hard-to-argue-with classics on that list: Tolkien, Gaiman, Orwell, Bradbury, Adams, Atwood, Le Guin and many more. But there are just as many now-shocking omissions. No Octavia Butler? No writers of color at all? Only a handful of women?

You can see the brand-sparkly-new poll, celebrating all the supernova-amazing changes in SF/F since 2011, here — but we also thought it would be worth pulling together a few of the books that, with our 2021 hindsight, seem like they should have been on that original list.

Read more.

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