понедельник, 22 мая 2023 г.

Listen to Pando, One of the Largest Trees in the World

At first glance Pando may look like a forest, but that ‘forest’ is 80 foot high clone ‘stems’ of one tree connected through a single root system that spans 80 football fields! Lance Oditt of Friends of Pando invited Jeff Rice to record the tree. From NPR:

Rice then set out to capture that tree-wide vibration in the midst of a thunderstorm. “I was hunkered down and huddling, trying to stay out of the lightning. When those storms come through Pando, they’re pretty big. They’re pretty dramatic.”

All that wind blowing through the innumerable leaves offered Rice a sonic opportunity to record the tree.

“We found this incredible opening in one of the [stems] that I’ve dubbed the Pando portal,” he says.

Read and hear more from NPR

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