Art and science meet in medical illustrations. The long tradition of anatomical drawings have been upgraded with animated GIFs and computer painting in the work of Ni-ka Ford. Here’s more from Art the Science:
When I discovered the field of medical illustration, I knew instantly that it would be the perfect fit for me and a way to marry both of my interests. I went to graduate school at the University of Illinois at Chicago for Biomedical Visualization, where I was able to get formal training in the sciences, along with various visualization techniques.
I create work for a wide range of science and medical topics, anything from virology or oncology on a cellular level to surgical illustration and gross anatomy. Since I am a medical artist, most of my work is related to medicine and human anatomy. I have personally taken a strong liking towards creating work centered in neuroscience and neurology, as I find the human brain to be the most fascinating and incredible organ in the body.

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