среда, 18 декабря 2024 г.

Vsauce Built An Emordnilap Machine

An emordnilap, also known as an anadrome, is a word that is two different words spelled forward and backward. Like a palindrome but the words are different. Emordnilap is the emordnilap of palindrome. Electrical engineers might be familiar with Mho and Ohm.

Really fun build from Vsauce that is as much magic trick as anything. The emordnilap is built with a bunch of Lego Technic gears and magnets.

If you built an emordnilap machine and have some LEGO left over, you could build this Optical Sensor Drum Track Sequencer from the Adafruit Learning System

from Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers! https://ift.tt/qTbdU9y

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