понедельник, 25 ноября 2024 г.

A Dual Game Boy Chiptune Keytar #MusicMonday

If the 80s left us anything of use, it is, for some, memories of the 8-bit sounds while playing Nintendo. And if the oughts left us anything of use it is the resurgence 8-bit sounds in the form of chiptune. And if today on this blog we have left you with anything of use, it’s this post about a custom dual-necked chiptune keytar. Here’s more, via Synthopia and ThereminHero

Greig Stewartt (Theremin Hero) shared this video demo of a custom dual-necked chiptune keytar, The Blade.

The Blade uses two Game Boys, running custom ROMs, to become a fully playable instrument.

The shell is 3D-printed and the necks were repurposed from old guitar hero controllers. All buttons are re-mappable in code. The Blade can function as a pure MIDI controller, as well as routing the MIDI direct to the Game Boy chips.

See more!

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