воскресенье, 17 декабря 2023 г.

Bob Clagett’s Top Ten Gifts for the Shop

On this I Like to Make Stuff, Bob looks at ten tools he’s used over the year that he thinks would make great holiday gifts. Some of these *I* want under my Festivus Tree, such as the cool retro steel toolboxes! He also recommends giant self-healing cutting mats (which I’m a huge fan of), the Gerber Arm Bar (EDC), and E6000 adhesive.

He also makes an impassioned case for the 12′ (instead of the common 25′) tape measure. As he points out, for around the shop, you really don’t need more than 12′ a lot of the time, so why carry around 12 extra feet of tape? He recommends two tapes, a cheap, plastic-housed 12′ tape and a more expensive Stanley engineer’s tape measure.

Lots of good stuff here, to give or to get.

[Via Maker Update]

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