вторник, 28 ноября 2023 г.

Guide: Build a WiFi Matrix Keypad Remote #AdafruitPlayground #FeaturedNote @Adafruit


Modern electronics are capable of incredible things. Even the simplest gadgets now have clocks, gyroscopes, radios, GPS, touch screens, literally anything you can imagine, built right in. Sometimes though, the devices that are capable of doing several things don’t do all of them particularly well. Touch screens are often bolted onto things that really don’t benefit from them, or even worse, detract from the experience. Anyone who has accidentally grazed the touch panel on an Apple TV remote while grasping for it in the dark knows exactly what I’m talking about. Sometimes I just want to have a remote with a few simple buttons I can press to make things happen, and that’s it!

Most of the lights in my apartment are WiFi-connected, and offer MQTT capability. I took advantage of this and set up a local MQTT broker (https://mosquitto.org/) on a Raspberry Pi 4 wired to an old Apple Airport router/hub I had lying around (my internet provider makes me use their router for my internet). Now, it’s easier than ever to control my lights…from a browser. Or some phone interface. Or an app. Wait a second…each of those still requires multiple steps just to get me to the point where I can actually control anything. And I probably still have to use a touch screen. Leading me back to my original point, and thus the motivation for the imaginatively named:

WiFi Matrix Keypad Remote

Read more at Guide: Build a WiFi Matrix Keypad Remote

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