суббота, 18 ноября 2023 г.

23 years of neuroimaging research has revealed the impact of screen time on children’s brains. It’s not all bad

Screenshot 2023 11 17 at 2 41 30 PM

Millennials are old. The generation often cited as bridging a technological gap of pre/post internet ubiquity is pushing 40+. The following generations have had access to “screens” on a level seemingly no one could have predicted. Certainly more access than childhood researchers could keep up with.

A constant fear in parenting circles is how screen time affects children’s brains. It turns out it might not be all bad.

From Fast Company:

One study found that media use improves focusing and learning abilities in the frontal lobe of the brain and that playing video games can potentially increase cognitive demand, improving a child’s executive functions and cognitive skills.

However, screen time was tied in other studies to lower functionality in areas of the brain dealing with language and cognitive control, potentially negatively impacting a child’s cognitive development. Tablet users were also found to have more trouble with problem-solving tasks.

Read more!

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