пятница, 30 декабря 2022 г.

Electronics, Adafruit-themed printable high-contrast images for babies or anyone … (PDFs)

I understand that babies are attracted to high-contrast images because they are visually stimulating for their developing brains to process. High contrast refers to a significant difference in brightness between two adjacent colors or objects. High-contrast images create a clear and distinct separation between the two, which can appeal more to a baby’s eye than more subtle or muted contrasts.

During the first few months of life, a baby’s visual system is still developing, and they cannot see as clearly as an adult. They are also more sensitive to contrast and can perceive more significant differences in brightness than adults. As a result, high-contrast images can be more engaging and stimulating for babies, helping to hold their attention and support their visual development.

In addition to being visually appealing, high-contrast images can also help babies learn to focus and track moving objects, as the sharp contrast makes it easier for them to distinguish different parts of the picture. Many toys and books designed for babies often feature high-contrast patterns or images.


Download PDF 01 & Downloads PDF 02.

Here are some we have printed out in addition to some M.C Esher, and Penrose triangles.

This is also pretty much an excuse to print out Burtonesque everythings.


Also pictured, cosmic background radiation (300,000 years after the “Big Bang” … about 14 billion years ago).

from Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers! https://ift.tt/pMVi2FP

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