OK after much fluxengine hacking (wherein we wrote a bunch of code, then ended up deleting all but like 4 lines) we have it successfully interfacing with the adafruit_floppy ‘greaseweazle compatible mode’. we can now use both tools to read and parse flux data which is great as fluxengine has a bunch of formats it supports. we did find one MFM 360K DOS disk in our collection – so we are able to verify that chunky floppies work just as well as 3.5″s. this is one good example of why we cant ‘just use a USB floppy drive’ – there is no 5.25″ usb floppy drives (yet). after imaging this disk we found some classic mouse driver content – including an exciting new concept in Mouse control!
pull request submitted to fluxengine https://github.com/davidgiven/fluxengine/pull/415 and adafruit floppy is here https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_Floppy – video.
from Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers! https://ift.tt/3txZ9fj
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