вторник, 28 сентября 2021 г.

teamLab: Conitnuity #ArtTuesday

Out in the city by the bay, the Asian Art Museum is hosting the Tokyo-based art collective teamLab. They have premiered their immersive piece teamLab: Continuity, delayed since 2020. Here’s more from JUXTAPOZ:

The movement-sensitive space allows viewers to walk through the art, with each visitor having a completely unique immersion unto themselves. The digital animation is “derived from dynamic algorithms that react to visitors’ locations and movements within the interconnecting gallery space.” That has always been what has made teamLab’s work so special: what we want in this day and age are our own experiences, and yet the capability to share it with others simultaneously. “teamLab: Continuity is the perfect way to reintroduce our transformed museum to a City and a community that is learning all over again the joy of coming together for shared moments of wonder,” says Dr. Jay Xu, Barbara Bass Bakar Director and CEO of the Asian Art Museum, “Moments that ignite our imaginations while reflecting our own communal and ecological fragility and deep need for tenderness and hope.”

See more!

Screenshot 4 2 14 11 48 AMEvery Tuesday is Art Tuesday here at Adafruit! Today we celebrate artists and makers from around the world who are designing innovative and creative works using technology, science, electronics and more. You can start your own career as an artist today with Adafruit’s conductive paints, art-related electronics kits, LEDs, wearables, 3D printers and more! Make your most imaginative designs come to life with our helpful tutorials from the Adafruit Learning System. And don’t forget to check in every Art Tuesday for more artistic inspiration here on the Adafruit Blog!

from Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers! https://ift.tt/3CXFkzL

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