The EncoderPad RP2040 is a Video Editing Macropad with a 60mm Encoder Wheel. This encoder is made of metal and feels like it will last forever. The EncoderPad uses 9 mechanical switches (Cherry MX type). The keys are hot-swap socketed and have an individual underglow RGB LED which can be turned on.
The Encoder Pad can be programmed with CircuitPython. To get started, get the latest download from the official site, put the RP2040 in bootloader mode by pressing “reset” while pressing the “boot” button and drag/drop in the UF2 file you just downloaded. You are now ready to program it! No build tools required on your computer!
Design of the EncoderPad_RP2040 is licensed under CERN Open Hardware Licence Version 2 – Weakly Reciprocal
See GitHub for the files and additional information.
from Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers!
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