Via – The Water Bottle Rocket STEM Kit is a modular set of instructions, electronics, software, designs, and teaching plans that support the fun and science behind water bottle rockets. The kit is modular enough to be used with K-12 grade, civic groups, science clubs, or individuals. It’s simple enough for a five year old and has enough modularity to keep the most experienced makers engaged.
The hope is that we build a community of users that contribute to, leverage, and use this 100% open source kit.
In addition, the kit heavily leverages the open source projects/expertises of others. We use (and reference) designs from the U.S. Water Rockets Team, Adafruit, and Arduino.
It looks like the prototype uses ad Adafruit Feather, an SD card breakout and possibly a 9DOF accelerometer/gyroscope.
We’re looking forward to how this Hackaday Prize 2019 project develops.
from Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers!
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