среда, 1 мая 2019 г.

April 2019: Unofficial Problem Bank list increased slightly to 73 Institutions

Note: Surferdude808 compiles an unofficial list of Problem Banks compiled only from public sources.

Here is the unofficial problem bank list for April 2019.

Here are the monthly changes and a few comments from surferdude808:
Update on the Unofficial Problem Bank List for April 2019. It was quiet during the month in terms of changes as the list increased by one institution to 73 banks. Aggregate assets increased to $52.1 billion from $51.6 billion a month earlier. A year ago, the list held 94 institutions with assets of $18.9 billion. The addition this month was CFSBANK, Charleroi, PA ($488 million).

from Calculated Risk http://bit.ly/2UGUnqV

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