вторник, 30 апреля 2019 г.

Rockstar Tries to Break the World’s First 3D Printed, Smash-Proof Guitar

Sandvik indestructable guitar designboom 1

Watching rockstars destroy guitars on stage usually gives me anxiety (yes, I realize I’m uncool), which is why the idea of a ‘smash-proof’ guitar sounds so appealing.

Check out the whole story on design boom.

henrik loikkanen, machining process developer at sandvik coromant, has played guitar since his youth, when he idolized malmsteen. to understand what happens when malmsteen destroys an instrument, loikkanen turned to youtube. ‘we had to design a guitar that is unsmashable in all the different ways you can smash a guitar,’ loikkanen said. ‘the engineering challenge was that critical joint between the neck and the body that usually cracks on a guitar.’

Read more.

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