четверг, 26 апреля 2018 г.

A League of Legends Monster Head As a Glowing Helmet

Baron Nashor is a monster in League of Legends, a monster with a very fancy name. Cosplayer Kaguesna Cosplay is working on a cosplay of the creature using special effects make-up and a glowing helmet. She took the design of Nashor’s head and turned it into a wearable item, sculpting and painting it to match the texture of the monster’s skin. Kaguesna even used green latex to simulate the creature’s green saliva (eww). She left space underneath the head prop for LED circuitry so the costume can emulate the creature’s in-game glow.

The image below shows what the prop looks like with the LEDs off.

Check out making of photos for this and other props on Kaguesna Cosplay’s Instagram feed.

via Reddit

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