четверг, 30 апреля 2020 г.

SMD Component Magazines by robin7331 Thingiverse

Shared by robin7331 on Thingiverse:

You’re making your own PCBs at home?
At one point you’ll end up having a box full of components strips.

To organize these I created these little magazines.
They’ll boost your placement productivity and keep your shop organized.

Download the files and learn more

Every Thursday is #3dthursday here at Adafruit! The DIY 3D printing community has passion and dedication for making solid objects from digital models. Recently, we have noticed electronics projects integrated with 3D printed enclosures, brackets, and sculptures, so each Thursday we celebrate and highlight these bold pioneers!

Have you considered building a 3D project around an Arduino or other microcontroller? How about printing a bracket to mount your Raspberry Pi to the back of your HD monitor? And don’t forget the countless LED projects that are possible when you are modeling your projects in 3D!

from Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers! https://ift.tt/3aUskMJ

Five Republican senators sent President Trump a letter Thursday urging him to prevent states from using coronavirus relief grants as a "piggybank" to fund pre-existing programs and debt. 

from FOX News https://ift.tt/2yWfgJq

Rep. Max Rose (D-NY) and Chris Hayes discuss the absence from the top of the government of any expression of collective grief, mourning, or honor for people facing this unprecedented situation.

Read more

from msnbc.com Latest Headlines https://ift.tt/3aOXxB3

It takes more than a politician’s will to re-establish our sense of safety.

from Slate Magazine https://ift.tt/2KOPlGi

Help me.

from Slate Magazine https://ift.tt/3d2du8o

Car Headrest Bag Hooks by muzz64 Thingiverse

muzz64 shared this project on Thingiverse!

The Car Headrest Bag Hooks design is similar to some commercially available… but unlike other designs this is made in a way that this cannot be accidentally detached / unhooked from the heat rest posts due to the way it assembles.

Headrest Bag Hooks are a great solution for your own use but will also be appreciated by many people as a practical gift for everyday use. And, they look great printed in any color or even multiple colors.

Download files: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3719476

Every Thursday is #3dthursday here at Adafruit! The DIY 3D printing community has passion and dedication for making solid objects from digital models. Recently, we have noticed electronics projects integrated with 3D printed enclosures, brackets, and sculptures, so each Thursday we celebrate and highlight these bold pioneers!

Have you considered building a 3D project around an Arduino or other microcontroller? How about printing a bracket to mount your Raspberry Pi to the back of your HD monitor? And don’t forget the countless LED projects that are possible when you are modeling your projects in 3D!

from Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers! https://ift.tt/3f7hoyM

Maqueen micro bit AA battery holder by mala04 Thingiverse

mala04 shared this project on Thingiverse!

A smart AA battery holder for Maqueen robot. It allows to improve capacity by replacing original AAA batteries pack with a new one using AA batteries (>3x more capacity).

Advice: use four M3*15 standoff spacers with screws to replace original double sided tape.

Download files here: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4225910

Every Thursday is #3dthursday here at Adafruit! The DIY 3D printing community has passion and dedication for making solid objects from digital models. Recently, we have noticed electronics projects integrated with 3D printed enclosures, brackets, and sculptures, so each Thursday we celebrate and highlight these bold pioneers!

Have you considered building a 3D project around an Arduino or other microcontroller? How about printing a bracket to mount your Raspberry Pi to the back of your HD monitor? And don’t forget the countless LED projects that are possible when you are modeling your projects in 3D!

from Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers! https://ift.tt/2SqszIZ

When a Republican senator shops a stimulus plan that has more common ground with a leading progressive.

from NYT > U.S. > Politics https://ift.tt/2KLgNor

The majority leader’s plan to reconvene next week carries dangers for lawmakers as well as workers at the Capitol, where many low-level employees are minorities and at greater risk from Covid-19.

from NYT > U.S. > Politics https://ift.tt/2y4h437

President Donald Trump said Thursday he was open to bringing his first national security adviser, Michael Flynn, back into the administration, amid new information casting a shadow of impropriety over the FBI’s case against the retired lieutenant general. 

“I would certainly consider it. Yeah, I would,” Trump said at a White House press conference Thursday. He later said of Flynn: “He would be capable of coming back.”

Trump was also asked whether he would pardon Flynn over charges he lied to the FBI after newly released Justice Department documents showed notes about a conversation between FBI officials who considered whether to try “to get him to lie.” In late 2017, Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI, but later withdrew the plea.

“It looks to me like Michael Flynn would be exonerated, based on everything that I’ve seen,” Trump said. “I’m not the judge, but I have a different kind of power. But I don’t know if anybody would have to use that power. I’ve never seen anything like it. What they did, what they wrote … it’s just disgraceful.”

The president called Flynn “a fine man.”

“They did everything possible to destroy him. He’s still breathing very strongly. But they hurt him very badly,” Trump said. 

FBI documents unsealed on Wednesday show handwritten notes from then-FBI head of counterintelligence Bill Priestap after he met with then-FBI Director James Comey. One of the notes asked, “What is our goal? Truth/Admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired?”

Documents go on to show there were discussions about following procedures: “If we’re seen as playing games, [White House] will be furious.”

After initial remarks about COVID-19 and its impact on senior citizens, all of the initial questions from the press pool for Trump were about Flynn, a major departure from the typical coronavirus press briefing. But he was also asked several questions about holding China accountable for the pandemic.  

“We’re looking at exactly where it came from, who it came from, how it happened, separately from intelligence and also scientifically,” Trump said. “So we are going to be able to find out.”

When asked if he saw any information indicating it came from a lab in Wuhan, China, he said, “Yes, I have.” However, he later said he couldn’t publicly discuss the nature of the information he saw. 

“I think that the World Health Organization should be ashamed of themselves, because they are like the public relations agency for China,” Trump said. “This country pays them almost $500 million a year, and China pays them $38 million a year. Whether it’s a lot, or more, it doesn’t matter. They shouldn’t be making excuses when people make horrible mistakes, especially mistakes that are causing hundreds of thousands of people around the world to die.”

Before taking questions, Trump discussed what the administration is doing for seniors, the demographic with the largest death rate from the coronavirus. In particular, nursing homes have been beset with large number of deaths. 

“To ensure that our nursing homes are prepared for any future outbreaks, we are announcing the Coronavirus Commission for Safety and Quality in Nursing Homes,” he said. 

Trump said the commission will be composed of leading industry experts, doctors, scientists, patient advocates, and state and local authorities.

“It’s a big deal,” the president said. “The commission will convene in May and issue recommendations for further steps we can take to protect our nation’s seniors.”

The post Trump Says He Might Bring ‘Exonerated’ Michael Flynn Back Into Administration appeared first on The Daily Signal.

from The Daily Signal https://ift.tt/3d25vrW

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo lightened up the mood in what has been an otherwise tense and tumultuous few months due to the coronavirus by joking that he is an eligible bachelor in New York City.

from FOX News https://ift.tt/2Spx8Ds

Former FBI counterintelligence official Peter Strzok intervened at the last minute in early 2017 to stop the bureau from closing an investigation into Michael Flynn, the incoming national security adviser, according to government files unsealed Thursday.

The FBI was investigating Flynn and several other Trump campaign associates at the time for possible links to Russia as part of Crossfire Hurricane. But as of Jan. 4, 2017, the FBI’s Washington Field Office had determined that there was no justification to continue investigating Flynn, who the FBI referred to with the code name “Crossfire Razor.”


“The FBI is closing this investigation. If new information is identified or reported to the FBI regarding the activities of CROSSFIRE RAZOR, the FBI will consider reopening the investigation if warranted,” the memo says.

According to the memo, a review of intelligence databases “did not yield any information” to justify continuing an investigation of Flynn, which focused on whether the retired lieutenant general was wittingly or unwittingly working on behalf of the Russian government.

But text messages released on Thursday show that Strzok stopped the FBI from formally closing the Flynn file.

“Hey if you haven’t closed RAZOR don’t do so yet,” Strozk wrote to an FBI colleague.

The memo and text messages were part of a batch of FBI documents unsealed on Thursday in Flynn’s legal case. Lawyers for Flynn are trying to convince a judge to throw out Flynn’s case, arguing that the FBI trapped him into lying during a White House interview on Jan. 24, 2017.

Andrew McCabe, who served as deputy director of the FBI, called Flynn to arrange the interview. He dispatched Strzok and another FBI agent to interview Flynn regarding phone calls he had in late December 2016 with Sergey Kislyak, who then served as Russia’s ambassador to the U.S.

Documents unsealed on Wednesday showed that the FBI team strategized on how to approach the Flynn interview. Bill Priestap, who was Strzok’s boss, wrote a note questioning whether the goal of the interview was to force Flynn to lie, in order to either lead to his prosecution or his firing.

Flynn pleaded guilty on Dec. 1, 2017, to lying during the interview about speaking to Kislyak about sanctions against Russia. But he claimed in a Jan. 29, 2020, court filing that he pleaded guilty to protect prosecutors from going after his son. He denied lying in the FBI interview.

The newly released documents do not show Strzok’s rationale for stopping the Flynn investigative file from being closed. It is unclear when Strzok and the Crossfire Hurricane team received evidence of Flynn’s phone calls with Kislyak, which were reportedly monitored because of Kislyak’s position in the Russian government.

The FBI opened the Crossfire Hurricane investigation on July 31, 2016. The initial targets of the probe were Flynn and former campaign aides Carter Page, George Papadopoulos, and Paul Manafort.

The special counsel’s report said that investigators could find no evidence that any Trump associates were conspiring with Russia or working as agents of the Kremlin.

Strzok was removed from the special counsel’s probe in July 2017 after the discovery of text messages he exchanged with FBI attorney Lisa Page. The messages showed the pair speaking negatively about Donald Trump. Strzok was fired in August 2018.

Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities for this original content, email licensing@dailycallernewsfoundation.org.

The post Text Messages Reveal Peter Strzok Intervened in FBI’s Planned Closure of Michael Flynn Investigation appeared first on The Daily Signal.

from The Daily Signal https://ift.tt/2Wk7tNM

Many Americans are rightfully concerned about the status of the country’s meat supply during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Unfortunately, there are no simple answers to help address those concerns, and the situation is constantly changing. 

The following is a Q&A regarding the current status of the meat (including poultry) supply and provides a few recommendations that could help address any supply problems going forward.

>>> When can America reopen? The National Coronavirus Recovery Commission, a project of The Heritage Foundation, is gathering America’s top thinkers together to figure that out. Learn more here.

Q: In general, do we have a food shortage?

A: According to both the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Food and Drug Administration, the U.S. isn’t facing a food shortage. 

Even though Americans might be seeing empty grocery shelves, that is generally a logistics and inventory problem, not a reflection of food shortages.

The coronavirus has drastically disrupted the food supply chain. In fact, rapid changes to the demand for certain foods resulted in surpluses, rather than shortages.

Major customers for food, such as restaurants, hotels, and schools, all of a sudden were no longer food customers (or their demand was significantly reduced). Prior to the coronavirus, 54 cents out of every $1 spent on food was spent away from home.

Those surpluses are why farmers have reportedly been dumping commodities such as milk and produce.  Commodities that were supposed to go to those customers no longer had a destination.

As for the current concerns regarding the meat supply, there is an additional—and more pressing—problem due to disruptions in meat slaughtering and packing facilities.

Q: Why are there concerns over the meat supply?

A: Some meat-processing plants are closing or reducing their operations due to coronavirus illnesses, affecting the beef, pork, and poultry industries. There has also been a reported 20 workers from meat-processing facilities who have died due to the coronavirus.

Major companies such as Smithfield Foods and Tyson Foods have been closing plants. Tyson Foods published a widely reported advertisement in several newspapers expressing serious concern about the meat supply.

One reported estimate asserts that pork slaughter capacity has been reduced by 25 percent and beef slaughter capacity by 10 percent.

Q: What does that mean for consumers?

There appears to be significant agreement among experts that there will be meat-supply disruptions, but that doesn’t mean meat won’t be available.

Within the next few weeks, it’s likely that some meat availability, though, will be reduced and prices will increase.

To simplify and expedite operations, some processing plants are expected to make changes to their product.  Therefore, for example, it might be difficult to find boneless chicken breasts at the grocery store, whereas chicken drumsticks will be available. 

If processing plants start to open back up, then these selection and price issues will be reduced. If they don’t open up, and more processing facilities are closed, then the problem could get worse.

This is a fluid situation that warrants close attention.  Consumers can also help mitigate any problems by not hoarding meat and looking to different sources of protein beyond beef, pork, and poultry.

Q: Why are farmers euthanizing animals if there are concerns with the supply of meat?

As with the dairy farmers who dumped their milk, livestock and poultry farmers are faced with the problem of not having a destination for their animals.  Due to space limitations and costs, they can’t keep them. That has led to very unfortunate problems requiring animals to be euthanized.

Q: Why don’t processing plants simply hire new employees to replace those who are sick?

The employees are not easily replaced because there is a level of specialized knowledge required.

Q: What should be done to address the closing of meat-processing plants?

The following are just a few recommendations.

The top priority needs to be creating a work environment that is safe for employees. Unlike most other employees on the food front lines, workers at processing facilities work very closely together, making it difficult to address the coronavirus problem. 

The employees can be spread further apart, but that would reduce the meat supply due to lower processing speeds, although that may need to be part of any solution. 

When distributing personal protective equipment and making testing available, the federal government and states need to work together and prioritize workers at these plants.

The meat-processing companies should be doing what they can as well to secure personal protective equipment and testing. They also need to adapt and make changes to protect their workers, including being in compliance with the new guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration regarding workplace safety at processing facilities. 

At the same time, there’s a need for liability protections for companies that do take appropriate steps to protect workers.    

On Tuesday, President Donald Trump issued an executive order that expresses the administration’s concern about the current situation and is designed to keep processing plants open. 

The Department of Labor also issued a statement regarding its enforcement policy that appears to minimize liability if proper actions are taken. Ideally, Congress would pass legislation to provide the necessary liability protection.   

All of that said, the food supply chain, from farmers to grocery stores, is remarkably resilient and innovative. While there’s a current challenge facing the meat industry, there’s little reason to think the food supply chain won’t again rise up to find solutions.

Soon enough, this specific challenge will be solved, just like the coronavirus that has caused this pandemic.

The post How COVID-19 Is Affecting the Nation’s Meat Supply appeared first on The Daily Signal.

from The Daily Signal https://ift.tt/2YkUXQx

President Donald Trump said Thursday he was open to bringing his first national security adviser, Michael Flynn, back into the administration, amid new information casting a shadow of impropriety over the FBI’s case against the retired lieutenant general. 

“I would certainly consider it. Yeah, I would,” Trump said at a White House press conference Thursday. He later said of Flynn: “He would be capable of coming back.”

Trump was also asked whether he would pardon Flynn over charges he lied to the FBI after newly released Justice Department documents showed notes about a conversation between FBI officials who considered whether to try “to get him to lie.” In late 2017, Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI, but later withdrew the plea.

“It looks to me like Michael Flynn would be exonerated, based on everything that I’ve seen,” Trump said. “I’m not the judge, but I have a different kind of power. But I don’t know if anybody would have to use that power. I’ve never seen anything like it. What they did, what they wrote … it’s just disgraceful.”

The president called Flynn “a fine man.”

“They did everything possible to destroy him. He’s still breathing very strongly. But they hurt him very badly,” Trump said. 

FBI documents unsealed on Wednesday show handwritten notes from then-FBI head of counterintelligence Bill Priestap after he met with then-FBI Director James Comey. One of the notes asked, “What is our goal? Truth/Admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired?”

Documents go on to show there were discussions about following procedures: “If we’re seen as playing games, [White House] will be furious.”

After initial remarks about COVID-19 and its impact on senior citizens, all of the initial questions from the press pool for Trump were about Flynn, a major departure from the typical coronavirus press briefing. But he was also asked several questions about holding China accountable for the pandemic.  

“We’re looking at exactly where it came from, who it came from, how it happened, separately from intelligence and also scientifically,” Trump said. “So we are going to be able to find out.”

When asked if he saw any information indicating it came from a lab in Wuhan, China, he said, “Yes, I have.” However, he later said he couldn’t publicly discuss the nature of the information he saw. 

“I think that the World Health Organization should be ashamed of themselves, because they are like the public relations agency for China,” Trump said. “This country pays them almost $500 million a year, and China pays them $38 million a year. Whether it’s a lot, or more, it doesn’t matter. They shouldn’t be making excuses when people make horrible mistakes, especially mistakes that are causing hundreds of thousands of people around the world to die.”

Before taking questions, Trump discussed what the administration is doing for seniors, the demographic with the largest death rate from the coronavirus. In particular, nursing homes have been beset with large numbers of deaths. 

“To ensure that our nursing homes are prepared for any future outbreaks, we are announcing the Coronavirus Commission for Safety and Quality in Nursing Homes,” he said. 

Trump said the commission will be composed of leading industry experts, doctors, scientists, patient advocates, and state and local authorities.

“It’s a big deal,” the president said. “The commission will convene in May and issue recommendations for further steps we can take to protect our nation’s seniors.”

The post Trump Says He Might Bring ‘Exonerated’ Michael Flynn Back Into Administration appeared first on The Daily Signal.

from The Daily Signal https://ift.tt/3d25vrW

Chris Hayes on Trump refusing to authorize FEMA to release relief funding: “That small little bit of inaction, of utter cold-heartedness, says everything you need to know about the way that he has navigated this crisis.”

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from msnbc.com Latest Headlines https://ift.tt/2KQ0WoA

Austin Mayor Steve Adler says that his residents are scared with the Texas government lifting stay at home orders.

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from msnbc.com Latest Headlines https://ift.tt/2WfXUPO

The coronavirus pandemic has slammed into the economy so hard the nation's GDP has fallen by 4.8 percent, bringing the longest economic expansion on record to an abrupt halt.

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from msnbc.com Latest Headlines https://ift.tt/3f75PHA

New developments in a key case from the Mueller probe. Former national security advisor Michael Flynn had pled guilty to lying to the feds in a cooperation deal. For the first time, we are seeing how they approached him. MSNBC’s Chief Legal Correspondent

Read more

from msnbc.com Latest Headlines https://ift.tt/3aUcXnm

Nothing says "spring" like an arrangement of bright, gorgeous tulips fresh from the garden or flower shop. Tulips are sturdy flowers that can last up to 10 days after cutting if you know how to care for them correctly. Choose fresh blooms to begin with is key, and you can prolong their beauty by displaying them in the right place and giving them plenty of water. See Step 1 for tricks you can use to create a long-lasting tulip arrangement.


[Edit]Preparing Tulips for Display

  1. Choose young tulips. When you're at the flower shop, you might be tempted to buy the tulips with fully-opened, vibrantly colored petals. This would be a fine choice if your tulips were meant to "wow" for a one-night occasion, but if you want them to last a long time, choose tulips that are still tightly closed, with some green buds that aren't fully colored yet.[1] The flowers will open over the course of a few days, giving you more time to enjoy them.
    Care for Fresh Cut Tulips Step 1 Version 4.jpg
    • If you're cutting your own tulips and you want them to last as long as possible in a vase, cut them before they're fully opened. Cut as close as possible to the ground.
  2. Wrap the stems in wet cloth or paper towels.[2] When you bring the tulips home from the shop, keep them wrapped in paper towels or a washcloth soaked in fresh water. This will ensure that the tulips don't start prematurely drying out on the way home. Do this even if the distance from the flower shop to your house isn't very far. Any time out of water will cause the tulips to age faster.
    Care for Fresh Cut Tulips Step 2 Version 4.jpg
  3. Cut from the base of the stems.[3] Use a small pair of clippers and cut the stems at an angle. This will help them readily soak up water from the vase.
    Care for Fresh Cut Tulips Step 3 Version 4.jpg
  4. Remove extra leaves from the base of the stems. If the stems have any leaves that would be submerged in water when you put them in the vase, remove them. The leaves could start rotting and cause the flowers to go limp before their time.[4]
    Care for Fresh Cut Tulips Step 4 Version 4.jpg

[Edit]Displaying the Tulips

  1. Choose a suitable vase. Pick a vase that will rise up to cover at least half the height of the tulips you've brought home.[5] They'll be able to lean against the vase without bending over. If you use a shorter vase, the flowers will eventually bend forward. This is an effect some people like, but it may cause the flowers to die more quickly.
    Care for Fresh Cut Tulips Step 5 Version 4.jpg
  2. Wash the vase. Make sure it doesn't have sediment leftover from your last bouquet. Use soap and warm water to wash it thoroughly, then dry it completely with a towel. This way your fresh tulips won't pick up bacteria that could case them to start rotting more quickly.
    Care for Fresh Cut Tulips Step 6 Version 2.jpg
  3. Fill the vase with cold water. Cold water will keep the stems fresh and crisp, while warm or hot water would cause them to become weak and soggy.[6]
    Care for Fresh Cut Tulips Step 7 Version 2.jpg
  4. Position the stems around the vase. Arrange the tulips so that they each have a little space in the vase, rather than leaning them all on top of one another. Giving them each a little room will prevent them from crushing one another, which will lead to premature petal drop-page and shorten the lifespan of your flowers.
    Care for Fresh Cut Tulips Step 8 Version 2.jpg
  5. Keep the vase filled with fresh water. Tulips drink up a lot of water. Make sure it never completely runs out, or they'll begin to wilt very quickly.
    Care for Fresh Cut Tulips Step 9 Version 2.jpg
  6. Add some flower food. The addition of flower food, or flower preservative, which is available at flower shops, will greatly lengthen your flowers' lifespan. Read the directions and sprinkle in some food when you add water. It'll keep your tulips standing tall and looking perky for as long as possible.
    Care for Fresh Cut Tulips Step 10 Version 2.jpg
    • You can try putting lemon juice, pennies, and other such materials in the vase with the flowers. Some say these tricks work, but research shows that flower food is much more effective.[7]
  7. Don't style tulips with flowers in the Narcissus family. Daffodils and other flowers in this family exude a substance that causes flowers to fade faster. Tulips work best in a vase all by themselves.[8]
    Care for Fresh Cut Tulips Step 12 Version 2.jpg
  8. Keep the vase out of the sun. Place it in an area that doesn't get too hot and sunny. Otherwise, the tulips will wilt in the heat.
    Care for Fresh Cut Tulips Step 11 Version 2.jpg



  • When buying tulips from a store, purchase tulips with the flower head closed.
  • Pierce the stem with a medium needle just below the flower. It never fails to keep the flowers attractive for a week. Dutch tip.
  • Leaving tulips in the vase with a wrap around them for a couple of hours will increase the chances of keeping the stems straight.
  • When you cut tulips, try cutting them on a diagonal angle instead a straight angle.
  • Because tulips continue to grow even after being cut, they often bend to conform to their container. If desired, straighten the tulips by securing them in damp newspaper and placing them in lukewarm water for a few hours.
  • Tulips can be safely placed in the same bouquet with most other flowers.
  • Place the tulips in an irregular shaped vase for twisted, conformed stems.
  • Cut stems at a diagonal 1/2 inch cut from bottom. Place in vase with Cold water and ive cubes to 50% vase level. No Plant Food!!! Refresh with a few ice cubes each day no direct sunlight. They will last so long!!
  • Tulips are “photogenic”, bending towards the light, so rotate containers daily to keep stems more upright.[9]


  • Do not place tulips in the same vase with daffodils or in the water in which daffodils have set.
  • Adding aspirin, lemon juice, pennies, soda and other mixtures to the water is only a myth for extending the life of cut tulips.
  • After cutting the tulip stem under water, do not allow the stem to dry off before replacing it into the vase or decorative container.

[Edit]Related wikiHows


[Edit]Quick Summary

from How to of the Day https://ift.tt/2W7NIsk

Car Headrest Bag Hooks by muzz64 Thingiverse

muzz64 shared this project on Thingiverse!

The Car Headrest Bag Hooks design is similar to some commercially available… but unlike other designs this is made in a way that this cannot be accidentally detached / unhooked from the heat rest posts due to the way it assembles.

Headrest Bag Hooks are a great solution for your own use but will also be appreciated by many people as a practical gift for everyday use. And, they look great printed in any color or even multiple colors.

Download files: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3719476

Every Thursday is #3dthursday here at Adafruit! The DIY 3D printing community has passion and dedication for making solid objects from digital models. Recently, we have noticed electronics projects integrated with 3D printed enclosures, brackets, and sculptures, so each Thursday we celebrate and highlight these bold pioneers!

Have you considered building a 3D project around an Arduino or other microcontroller? How about printing a bracket to mount your Raspberry Pi to the back of your HD monitor? And don’t forget the countless LED projects that are possible when you are modeling your projects in 3D!

from Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers! https://ift.tt/3f7hoyM

Maqueen micro bit AA battery holder by mala04 Thingiverse

mala04 shared this project on Thingiverse!

A smart AA battery holder for Maqueen robot. It allows to improve capacity by replacing original AAA batteries pack with a new one using AA batteries (>3x more capacity).

Advice: use four M3*15 standoff spacers with screws to replace original double sided tape.

Download files here: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4225910

Every Thursday is #3dthursday here at Adafruit! The DIY 3D printing community has passion and dedication for making solid objects from digital models. Recently, we have noticed electronics projects integrated with 3D printed enclosures, brackets, and sculptures, so each Thursday we celebrate and highlight these bold pioneers!

Have you considered building a 3D project around an Arduino or other microcontroller? How about printing a bracket to mount your Raspberry Pi to the back of your HD monitor? And don’t forget the countless LED projects that are possible when you are modeling your projects in 3D!

from Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers! https://ift.tt/2SqszIZ

Nearly 90% of U.S. House of Representatives members have signed a letter urging the Trump administration to increase its diplomatic action at the United Nations to renew an arms embargo on Iran, congressional sources said on Thursday.

from Reuters: Politics https://ift.tt/2YnG5RE

Join us as we speak to investor and educator Alexandre Lazarow as he discusses how entrepreneurs can innovate to meet the new needs of consumers.

from Entrepreneur https://ift.tt/35i8uKc

среда, 29 апреля 2020 г.

While coronavirus truthers say the virus “just isn’t that deadly and dangerous,” new data from the CDC suggests that we are significantly undercounting the deaths from COVID-19.

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from msnbc.com Latest Headlines https://ift.tt/2VMNHes

President Donald Trump said on Wednesday he believes China's handling of the coronavirus is proof that Beijing "will do anything they can" to make him lose his re-election bid in November.

from Reuters: Politics https://ift.tt/2YhYUFF

There's still time to stop recycling old Brett Kavanaugh talking points in defense of the presumptive Democratic nominee.

from Slate Magazine https://ift.tt/2ySLKEo

ASK AN ENGINEER 4/29/2020 LIVE! (video). What is “Ask an engineer”? From the electronics enthusiast to the professional community – “Ask an Engineer” has a little bit of everything for everyone. If you’re a beginner, or a seasoned engineer – stop in and see what we’re up to! We have demos of projects and products we’re working on, we answer your engineering and electronics questions and we have a trivia question + give away each week.


from Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers! https://ift.tt/2VOSAnB

The president wants a coronavirus vaccine widely available by the end of the year, even though his public health experts say it will take at least a year to 18 months.

from NYT > U.S. > Politics https://ift.tt/3bNMXve

Franchise Bible author Rick Grossmann discusses new ways franchisors and franchise owners are adapting to get their leaders ready for the future business climate.

from Entrepreneur https://ift.tt/3f2bbE4

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