понедельник, 30 сентября 2019 г.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was on the July 25 phone call where President Donald Trump asked Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskiy to investigate Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden, a senior State Department official told NBC News.

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from msnbc.com Latest Headlines https://ift.tt/2njmull

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi must satisfy the demands of both liberal and conservative Democrats while taking on President Trump, anticipating political moves before they happen.

from FOX News https://ift.tt/2o40RWk

U.S. President Donald Trump has contacted other countries to introduce Attorney General William Barr and a Justice Department official who is conducting an inquiry into the origins of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe, a Justice Department spokeswoman said on Monday.

from Reuters: Politics https://ift.tt/2n5Hg85

Trump But About Sharks is an automatic Twitter bot that takes the President's actual tweets and makes them all about sharks.

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from msnbc.com Latest Headlines https://ift.tt/2o3W0UM


We have a few hardware demos to show soon, however wanted to get this out –TensorFlow 2.0.0 released!

TensorFlow 2.0 focuses on simplicity and ease of use, featuring updates like:

  • Easy model building with Keras and eager execution.
  • Robust model deployment in production on any platform.
  • Powerful experimentation for research.
  • API simplification by reducing duplication and removing deprecated endpoints.

Read more.

from Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers! https://ift.tt/2o3MfpC


We have a few hardware demos to show soon, however wanted to get this out –TensorFlow 2.0.0 released!

TensorFlow 2.0 focuses on simplicity and ease of use, featuring updates like:

  • Easy model building with Keras and eager execution.
  • Robust model deployment in production on any platform.
  • Powerful experimentation for research.
  • API simplification by reducing duplication and removing deprecated endpoints.

Read more.

from Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers! https://ift.tt/2o3MfpC

In her new book, “Blowout,” Rachel Maddow explains how Russian President Vladimir Putin uses his country's energy supply to manipulate power in Ukraine.

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from msnbc.com Latest Headlines https://ift.tt/2niaBfg

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York president, a top economist, has been criticized for his bank’s response to turmoil in the repo market.

from NYT > Business https://ift.tt/2osoBDL

The central bank is independent, but its future leadership rests on the most political of questions: Who is in government?

from NYT > Business https://ift.tt/2omDF5z

A photo obtained by Fox News' "Tucker Carlson Tonight" shows former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden golfing in the Hamptons with Devon Archer, who served on the board of the Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings with Hunter.

from FOX News https://ift.tt/2nf679o

As the Ukraine scandal grows, the president's enablers are embarrassing themselves.

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from msnbc.com Latest Headlines https://ift.tt/2o3gIo4

John Bolton gave his "unvarnished" thoughts on the Trump administration's North Korea strategy Monday in his first speech since his abrupt split with the White House. 

from FOX News https://ift.tt/2n5fBEf

Chris Matthews points out that the Republican Party is now Trump’s “personal political property.”

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from msnbc.com Latest Headlines https://ift.tt/2nWX1ya

A new House subpoena for Rudy Giuliani could be ‘the scariest news’ for Trump in a potential impeachment trial, because he may have to tell all and not be protected by attorney-client privilege, explains former DOJ official Neal Katyal. “There isn't going

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from msnbc.com Latest Headlines https://ift.tt/2o4Jswl

Minnesota Senator and 2020 candidate Amy Klobuchar joins Hardball to discuss the latest developments on impeachment.

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from msnbc.com Latest Headlines https://ift.tt/2o5SOIf

As House Democrats pursue an impeachment investigation into President Trump and his dealings with Ukraine, The Washington Post reports the Trump admin is attempting to reopen the probe into Hillary Clinton’s email practices, years after a federal

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from msnbc.com Latest Headlines https://ift.tt/2nZQ5jP

No matter where you live, a hard rain can turn your yard into a mess of mud and water puddles that won’t dry. Wet yards happen for a number of reasons but usually stem from poor soil and drainage systems. To dry out the water, check your yard to find the source of the problem. For small, individual patches of moisture, dry your yard by leveling out the soil and possibly planting water-resistant plants. For large-scale problems, look into getting a drainage system like a French drain or dry well. With the proper treatment, you won’t need to worry about water runoff causing damage to your home.


[Edit]Finding the Cause of Moisture Damage

  1. Watch your yard after a storm to see where the water accumulates. Note how the water moves across your yard during the storm. Then, take a walk around your yard right after a solid day of rain. Look for mud and standing puddles that don’t dry out within a day. Find out if the problem happens in small, separate patches or one large area.[1]
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    • Water is supposed to move downhill, away from your home, and into a drainage outlet. If you see standing puddles or water flowing back toward your home, then the yard’s slope could be to blame.
    • Individual spots are much easier to treat by filling them in, amending the soil, or growing absorbent plants.
  2. Search for leaks or other possible causes for the moisture buildup. Check the downspout coming off your roof as well as any nearby utility pipes. Leaky pipes sometimes cause small patches of moisture, including near buildings. Another possibility is that you have a natural spring that lets water come up to the surface.[2]
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    • If you suspect a leak, try turning off your home’s water supply to see if your water meter continues to increase. For leaky municipal lines outside your home, test the water for chlorine and other treatment chemicals.
    • Springs often occur in hilly areas with clay soil. If you have one, consider preserving it. You could also drain it using a French pipe or another method.
  3. Test the soil to see if it’s capable of absorbing enough water. Clay soil absorbs water, which eventually turns into puddles. To perform a test, fill a mason jar full of soil from the problem area. Fill the jar up with water, then wait for the components to separate. Sand sinks to the bottom, followed by a layer of silt, then clay.[3]
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    • Mark the level of sand after 1 minute, then mark the silt level after 2 hours. Mark the clay level after the water in the jar clears to begin measuring the proportion of each component in the soil.
    • Another way to test absorption is by digging a hole deep and wide. Fill it with water to see how quickly it drains. If it takes more than 4 hours the second time, then amend the soil with sand and compost.[4]
    • If your soil isn’t at the right composition, amend it by mixing in sand and compost.
  4. Aerate the soil to see if it can absorb water. Compaction is a very common problem in areas with lots of clay or foot traffic. If your yard can’t seem to retain water and you notice brown or thinning plants, get a core aerator or a gardening fork. While the soil is moist, use one of the tools to poke holes in the ground, spacing them about apart. Let your yard air out while you look for other causes behind the water problem.[5]
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    • You can rent an aerator from most home improvement centers. An aerator is a machine that removes a plug of soil. The air that enters the holes loosens the soil to make it more absorbent.
  5. Consult a contractor if you suspect your yard is over water or bedrock. If you know your home is in a region that has a lot of bedrock or high groundwater, you won’t be able to fix the issue without assistance. Call up the nearest extension office or your local government's conservation department. Let them look up a regional survey map or come out to test the soil. Then, wait for them to give you advice or refer you to a qualified contractor.[6]
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    • Another common problem in some parts of the world is marshland. You may not be able to drain marshland without government clearance first. It can also be tough to drain completely.
    • Usually, you need to either build a rain garden or install wells and drains to deal with these issues.

[Edit]Fixing Small Patches of Moisture

  1. Clear the wet areas of plants and debris. Pick up any noticeable rocks, sticks, and other loose material where the water tends to pool in your yard. To fix these areas, you will also need to get rid of all plants there, including grass. If you plan on saving these plants, dig carefully around them in a circle until you reach the bottom of their roots, then pry them out of the ground with a spade.[7]
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    • If you don’t plan on saving the plants, you don’t have to be as cautious with them. You could cut larger plants to make them easier to remove. However, consider digging down to remove weed roots whole.
    • To remove sod, dig around the area using a spade, then use the spade to divide the sod into strips about wide. Pry up the edges of the strips to sever the roots, then roll them up by hand.
  2. Dig out any wet areas to prepare to fix them. Use a spade or another tool to make a hole about deep. The hole can be as wide as you need, so dig out the entire problem area. Remove all of the soil in the wet spot, setting it aside on dry ground nearby or in a wheelbarrow.[8]
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    • If the soil is dry, rent a rototiller from a nearby home improvement store. Push it over the trouble spots to turn up the soil.
    • If large parts of your yard are wet, you are better off rototilling the entire yard or installing a drainage system. Fill in small spots that are uneven or easy to dig up by hand.
  3. Fill in the holes by adding a topsoil mixed with sand. Select a quality topsoil with a balanced amount of clay and sand. Then, get some construction-grade sand. Mix together 2 parts sand, 2 parts topsoil and 1 part compost. Then, combine the mixture with the original soil at the bottom of the hole. If your soil doesn’t absorb water very well, adding sand and compost can help loosen it.[9]
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    • Mix the soil together using a spade or rototiller. When you’re done, fill in the rest of the hole as needed with more soil.
  4. Shape the soil to fill in holes and redirect water toward drainage areas. If the problematic spots were lower than the rest of your yard, filling in and flattening them often leads to better absorption. Slope the land as needed to force water to flow toward better drainage areas. A slope of about 2% is generally steep enough to force water away from the rest of your yard. Gradually change the slope by moving the soil around and raking it flat.[10]
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    • A slope of 2% means the elevation of the soil changes by about over in distance. A steeper slope more easily redirects excess water.
    • Measure the slope of an area by planting stakes and running a string between them. Keep in mind that filling in and flattening out low points in your yard can
    • Dig soil from higher areas to move to lower ones. You may need to work on the rest of your yard as well to form an effective slope.
  5. Press down on the soil with a tamper tool. Get a tamper, which is a flat piece of metal that pushes soil down to compact it and level it out. Press down on the exposed soil until it blends in with the rest of your yard. Make sure it looks flat or forms a smooth slope capable of absorbing and redirecting water.[11]
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    • Watering the lawn will also help compact the soil mixture. Use the moisture to check how well the sand and compost help solve the drainage issue.
  6. Cover the ground with water-absorbing plants if it is bare. Sod and grass seeds are some of the best ways to fix swampy areas in a yard. If you just finished amending an area with new topsoil, complete it with a fresh covering. Try unrolling sod over the bare area. If you’re filling in a grassy yard, spread grass seeds and rake them into the soil.[12]
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    • Consider covering fresh grass seeds with a layer of topsoil followed by an equal layer of straw to protect them from birds.
    • If you’re looking for something different, get some moisture-resistant plants like ferns, phlox, violets, arrowwood, and elderberry. These plants can help dry out your yard even if the soil composition and grade aren’t a problem.

[Edit]Eliminating Widespread Moisture Problems

  1. Add compost if your yard doesn’t have a good soil consistency. Use an organic compost like leaf mulch, grass clippings, or even bark. If you have grass, spread the compost into a -thick layer. Rake it into the soil at least once a year, either in late fall or early spring. The organic material opens up the soil for better drainage while also promoting the growth of water-absorbing plants.[13]
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    • As long as you don’t add too much compost, it won’t cover up grass and other existing plants in your yard. Many wet spots are already barren, so they will stay barren until you grow something, such as sod or grass.
    • You may need to wait a couple of seasons to see any change in the soil. The organic material needs time to break down and mix into the yard.
    • If your yard is in bad shape, consider renting a rototiller to mix compost about deep into the soil. Doing this will destroy a lawn but have a much more immediate effect on drainage.
    • Consider mixing sand or peat moss into the soil as well if you plan on rototilling the entire yard. It helps drain water from poor, clay-heavy soil.
  2. Make a French drain if you need to draw water away from the yard. A French drain isn’t as fancy as it sounds. It is little more than a perforated pipe in the ground. To start, dig a trench about wide and at least in your yard. Then, line the trench with landscape paper before, then set the pipe on top of it. Cover it with gravel, followed by topsoil to hide it.[14]
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    • When the drainage pipe works correctly, water seeps through the fabric. The pipe then carries excess moisture away to a lower part of your yard.
    • The French pipe works best when it spans from the wet areas in your yard toward drainage spots like a storm drain or swale. A swale is a shallow ditch that may contain a drainage outlet.
    • Check online or at a home improvement store for a French drainage pipe. If you can’t find one, make one by poking plastic holes in a regular pipe.
  3. Construct a dry well to direct rainwater near buildings. For a dry well, you need to dig a hole about from the nearest drain or downspout in the wet portion of your yard. Fit it with a plastic dry well tank, then line the tank with landscape paper. Next, run a PVC pipe from the drainage pipe or downspout to the tank. Fill in the remaining space with gravel.[15]
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    • Landscape paper releases water while preventing gravel from getting into the tank. It enables the tank to store water and gradually release it so your yard doesn’t get too wet.
    • Shop online or at local home improvement stores for the supplies you need.
  4. Install a cistern if you need to store water runoff from the roof. A cistern is very similar to a dry well, but it is usually used to redirect rainwater back into your home. Have a contractor dig a hole in your yard and then place the tank in it. The tank is usually made of material like concrete and cinder blocks. The water then can be rerouted to your home through PVC pipes fitted to the tank’s valve and pump.[16]
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    • Another option is to get an above-ground cistern, which is just a big barrel to store water collected from smaller rain barrels.
    • A cistern is a great way to save money by repurposing rainwater. Use it wherever you don’t need clean drinking water, such as for laundry, toilets, or watering plants.
  5. Build a rain garden if you live in a rainy climate. Since you can’t stop heavy rainfall, let a garden handle the problem. You will need to remove existing plants and debris before shaping the soil into a raised area with a small ridge around it. Make sure your yard slopes toward the rain garden so excess water reaches the plants. Then, fill the garden with various moisture-tolerant plants.[17]
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    • Keep hardy plants in the high-moisture areas, usually at the lowest points of the garden. Some options include goldenrod, elderberry, swamp rose, and blue vervain.
    • Place less moisture-tolerant plants in the other parts of the garden. Try using sage, daylilies, and lavender, among others.
    • Since changing a yard’s grade can get expensive, gardens are usually paired with systems like plastic drainage pipes or rock channels. Look into installing a French drain or swale.


  • When draining your yard, make sure you don’t direct water to your neighbor’s property unless you’re prepared to deal with the consequences. Drain it safely into a storm drain or downhill spot.
  • If you live near a hill, look out for water coming down the slope. A valley or drainage outlet at the bottom of the hill can help direct water away from your home.
  • Gravel is great for making soil more resistant to water, but keep in mind that it doesn’t break down as fast as organic material like compost. It is better for filling in areas where you never want water, such as near your home.
  • Extending the drain spout can help direct water further away from your home. Send the water toward a drainage outlet or an absorbent part of your yard.


  • Before doing any sort of construction or installation on your property, check your city’s regulations. You may need to apply for a building permit at city hall.

[Edit]Things You’ll Need

[Edit]Finding the Cause of Moisture Damage

  • Mason jar
  • Water
  • Aerator

[Edit]Fixing Small Patches of Moisture

  • Spade or shovel
  • Topsoil
  • Sand
  • Compost
  • Rake
  • Tamper
  • Grass or other absorbent plants

[Edit]Eliminating Widespread Moisture Problems

  • Spade or shovel
  • Rototiller
  • Compost
  • Landscape paper
  • French drain pipe (optional)
  • Dry well (optional)
  • Cistern (optional)
  • Rain garden plants (optional)


from How to of the Day https://ift.tt/2ne5s87

House Democrats subpoena the man name-checked the most in the Trump admininstration’s whistleblower complaint -- Rudy Giuliani – a new step in their impeachment probe. Mark Green, who sued Giuliani in New York and ran to succeed him as mayor, castigates

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from msnbc.com Latest Headlines https://ift.tt/2o5NPY3

воскресенье, 29 сентября 2019 г.

Pierpaolo Piccioli's enthusiasm for couture’s extravagance never wilts, and with this collection, he found a way to insinuate it into ready-to-wear.

from The Business of Fashion https://ift.tt/2orR9x4

The fast-fashion apparel retailer joins a growing list of brick-and-mortar players who have taken a hit from fierce e-commerce competition.

from The Business of Fashion https://ift.tt/2mcsDPN

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told CBS News’ “60 Minutes” on Sunday that despite her previous hesitation to launch impeachment proceedings against President Trump, Democrats are now ready to impeach the commander-in-chief if necessary.

from FOX News https://ift.tt/2m6e7sC

10119Ft232Hsensors Banner

Powerful computers can now use the power of CircuitPython libraries. This guide will show you how to use an FT232H to connect to I2C and SPI sensors and breakouts from your desktop PC running Windows, Mac OSX, or Linux. The FT232H also allows for general purpose digital input and output (GPIO) for things like buttons and LEDs.

The cool part about this is that you can then use any of the CircuitPython Libraries that have been written for the numerous sensors and breakouts – learn.adafruit.com.

from Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers! https://ift.tt/2mLLwJJ

10119Ft232Hsensors Banner

Powerful computers can now use the power of CircuitPython libraries. This guide will show you how to use an FT232H to connect to I2C and SPI sensors and breakouts from your desktop PC running Windows, Mac OSX, or Linux. The FT232H also allows for general purpose digital input and output (GPIO) for things like buttons and LEDs.

The cool part about this is that you can then use any of the CircuitPython Libraries that have been written for the numerous sensors and breakouts – learn.adafruit.com.

from Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers! https://ift.tt/2mLLwJJ

Pie Face is a game that does pretty much what you’d expect from the title. Players sit in front of a spring loaded arm, taking turns to twist a crank. Eventually, one unlucky player will release the arm and be splattered with whipped cream to the enjoyment of the group. [Harrison] wasn’t one to leave things to chance, however, so decided to rig the game.

Instead of allowing the spring-loaded arm to be released by the internal rotating drum, [Harrison] had a better idea. The drum was sanded smooth, to remove the teeth used by the release mechanism. Then, the release mechanism was replaced with a servo, controlled by an Arduino Nano fitted with a Bluetooth module. With just a tap on his smart phone, [Harrison] can trigger the game, guaranteeing his friends get the cream every time.

It’s a tidy build, and one that takes care to avoid detection with subtle design. Had he not released a Youtube video on the build, [Harrison]’s friends would likely be none the wiser. If your thirst for cheating is still unsated, consider loading your dice for a round of Settlers of Catan. Video after the break.

from Hackaday https://ift.tt/2nJvDDw

Where the Mueller investigation lasted years, House Democrats are speeding ahead with a narrow focus as they pursue impeachment.

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from msnbc.com Latest Headlines https://ift.tt/2mYndbt

World leaders wince as Ukraine drama plays out in plain sight as they visit New York for the U.N. General Assembly.

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from msnbc.com Latest Headlines https://ift.tt/2otbwKj

Actor Bradley Whitford reacts to the impeachment inquiry into President Trump, saying the controversies surrounding the president would make for 'bad writing' if 'The West Wing' were still around today.

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from msnbc.com Latest Headlines https://ift.tt/2otdc6z

He really is a miracle worker.

from Slate Magazine https://ift.tt/2os64r1

Sen. Doug Jones (R-AL), says more facts need to be uncovered before he makes a determination on impeachment. 'This is a really serious matter and folks in the media want everybody to take a side. And that's just not right,' Jones said.

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from msnbc.com Latest Headlines https://ift.tt/2m9eBhI

The retailer fell victim to the eroding power of shopping malls and said it would cease operations in 40 countries and close up to 178 stores in the U.S.

from NYT > Business https://ift.tt/2m5BF0K

Rudy Giuliani on Sunday said Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was aware of his efforts to pressure Ukraine’s government to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter, a claim furthering allegations of the State Department’s involvement in the campaign.

from FOX News https://ift.tt/2orUbBp

Sen. Gary Peters, ranking member on the Homeland Security Committee, is demanding answers from OMB bureaucrats about one of the key components behind allegations of quid pro quo.

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from msnbc.com Latest Headlines https://ift.tt/2m80A3O

Conan went there.

from Slate Magazine https://ift.tt/2mV5aTw

Schedule for Week of September 29, 2019

Sept 2019: Unofficial Problem Bank list decreased to 74 Institutions, Q3 2019 Transition Matrix

• At 9:45 AM ET, Chicago Purchasing Managers Index for September. The consensus is for a reading of 50.4, unchanged from 50.4 in August.

• At 10:30 AM, Dallas Fed Survey of Manufacturing Activity for September. This is the last of the Fed regional manufacturing surveys for September.

From CNBC: Pre-Market Data and Bloomberg futures: S&P 500 are up 8 and DOW futures are up 64 (fair value).

Oil prices were down over the last week with WTI futures at $56.07 per barrel and Brent at $62.12 barrel.  A year ago, WTI was at $73, and Brent was at $83 - so oil prices are down about 25% year-over-year.

Here is a graph from Gasbuddy.com for nationwide gasoline prices. Nationally prices are at $2.64 per gallon. A year ago prices were at $2.87 per gallon, so gasoline prices are down 23 cents year-over-year.

from Calculated Risk https://ift.tt/2mdSOpg

Schedule for Week of September 29, 2019

Sept 2019: Unofficial Problem Bank list decreased to 74 Institutions, Q3 2019 Transition Matrix

• At 9:45 AM ET, Chicago Purchasing Managers Index for September. The consensus is for a reading of 50.4, unchanged from 50.4 in August.

• At 10:30 AM, Dallas Fed Survey of Manufacturing Activity for September. This is the last of the Fed regional manufacturing surveys for September.

From CNBC: Pre-Market Data and Bloomberg futures: S&P 500 are up 8 and DOW futures are up 64 (fair value).

Oil prices were down over the last week with WTI futures at $56.07 per barrel and Brent at $62.12 barrel.  A year ago, WTI was at $73, and Brent was at $83 - so oil prices are down about 25% year-over-year.

Here is a graph from Gasbuddy.com for nationwide gasoline prices. Nationally prices are at $2.64 per gallon. A year ago prices were at $2.87 per gallon, so gasoline prices are down 23 cents year-over-year.

from Calculated Risk https://ift.tt/2mdSOpg

Demna Gvasalia's latest collection felt like a forensic analysis of the corrupting nature of power itself, rippling out through the worlds of those that have it and those that don’t.

from The Business of Fashion https://ift.tt/2omSeGg

“Our tone must be prayerful, respectful, solemn, worthy of the Constitution,” the House speaker privately told her colleagues as Democrats planned more subpoenas, including to Rudy Giuliani.

from NYT > U.S. > Politics https://ift.tt/2nLp8js

The social network says it has struggled to get the information to researchers because it also wants to protect its users’ privacy.

from NYT > Business https://ift.tt/2mP03nF

American counterterrorism officials are voicing alarm about a Qaeda affiliate in Syria that they say is plotting attacks from the country’s northwest.

from NYT > U.S. > Politics https://ift.tt/2mK78pT

The island’s traditional role as a gateway is under assault from President Trump’s trade war and a crackdown on pro-democracy demonstrators.

from NYT > Business https://ift.tt/2orecIj

Getting over someone you loved can feel like an impossible task, but there is hope! You feel a lot of pain right now because your relationship gave you a boost of dopamine, which is a chemical that makes you feel happy. Now that your ex is out of your life, you’re no longer getting that happiness boost. Fortunately, you can work through your painful emotions and come out stronger than before!


[Edit]Coping After a Breakup

  1. Keep yourself busy for 2-3 weeks after a breakup. Going through a breakup is especially painful because the love and attention you got from your ex is gone. Now that your ex is out of your life, you’re probably feeling painful withdrawals. To help yourself feel better, fill your day with self-care and fun activities with your friends and family. Here are some ways to take care of yourself:
    Get Over Your Ex Step 1 Version 4.jpg
    • Spend 15-60 minutes in the morning focusing on your intentions.
    • Do a fun exercise like dancing or kickboxing.
    • Take care of your basic needs, like eating, bathing, and cleaning your space.
    • Do something nice for yourself, like getting a spa treatment or buying a special cup of coffee.
    • Go to work or school.
    • Spend time working on a personal goal or hobby.
  2. Create a routine to help you take care of your needs. When you were with your ex, you likely had a routine that involved talking to and seeing them. Switching up your routine may help you focus on the future. Develop a new schedule for yourself that focuses on the life you want. Be sure to include reminders to keep up with your responsibilities, like paying your bills, washing your clothes, and eating healthy meals.
    Get Over Your Ex Step 2 Version 5.jpg
    • During a breakup, taking care of yourself can be really hard. Following a routine can help you keep up with your healthy habits!
  3. Use distraction to keep your mind off your ex in the first few days. Since your relationship made you happy, you’re naturally going to be craving that feeling after you breakup. However, thinking about your ex and remembering your relationship will only make your pain last longer. Instead, do an activity that requires you to focus on the present to distract yourself from your pain. Pick something that makes you feel happy and helps you have fun without your ex!
    Get Over Your Ex Step 3 Version 4.jpg
    • For instance, invite your friends over for a game night, go for a nature walk, do a scavenger hunt, take a painting class with your friends, read an exciting book, or go to a Meetup.
    • Don’t use distraction to avoid your feelings altogether. Eventually, you’ll need to deal with the painful emotions you’re feeling.
  4. Engage in activities that make you feel good to get a dopamine boost. Replacing the dopamine boost you got from your relationship may help you feel better post-breakup. Do at least 1 activity every day that makes you feel great. Pick things that are healthy for you and support your lifestyle goals rather than using unhealthy coping strategies. Here are some ideas:
    Get Over Your Ex Step 4 Version 4.jpg
    • Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day.
    • Take an art or cooking class.
    • Join a recreational sports team.
    • Get a pet if you’ve been wanting one.
    • Join a club that’s focused on your interests.
    • Volunteer for a cause you care about.
  5. Surround yourself with friends and family to create a support system. During a breakup, you need to be a part of a community. Reach out to your family and friends for help during this time. Invite them to spend time with you and talk or text with them daily. This can remind you that you’re well-loved.[1]
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    • You might feel tempted to withdraw during a breakup, but you need to be with people you care about. If you don’t feel like going out, ask a friend or relative to do something fun with you at home, like watching a movie or making a craft project.

[Edit]Processing Your Emotions

  1. Shake your body to burn off excess energy. When you feel strong emotions like sadness, anger, and anxiety, your body releases negative energy as part of your survival response. However, this negative energy can make you feel bad if you don’t get it out. An easy way to release the energy is to shake your body. Start at your shoulders and slowly move down to your feet, shaking yourself as you go. As you do this, imagine that the negative energy is leaving your body.
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    • If you don’t like shaking yourself, try releasing the energy through a vigorous workout.
  2. Vent your feelings to someone you trust. Talking about how you feel can help you feel better. Choose someone you can trust to share your feelings with. Then, tell them about what happened and how it's affecting you. Additionally, share any worries you have.
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    • Ask the person to listen to you without giving you advice. Say, "This breakup is really hard. Do you mind if I vent a little?"
  3. Examine the reasons why your ex isn’t right for you. Don’t idealize your ex after your breakup. Instead, focus on the qualities that make them a bad match for you. Think about the times they let you down or the qualities they don’t have. Let this convince you that things weren’t meant to work out between you.[2]
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    • Consider the things you want in a partner. Later, you can use this list to help you find a better partner for yourself.
  4. Confront beliefs that you won’t find love again if you feel this way. Your breakup may be more painful if you thought your ex was “the one” for you. It might be hard to imagine yourself with someone else, but it will happen one day. Stop thinking that you have just one soulmate out there. Instead, remind yourself that you will find love again.
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    • You don’t have just one match out there in the world. Everyone has several different potential love matches, so it’s no big deal if one relationship ends.
  5. Use a gratitude journal to identify what’s going well in your life. Focusing on the positives in your life can help you balance out your negative emotions, and expressing gratitude for the good things in your life is a great way to think positively! In your gratitude journal, write down 3-5 things every day that you’re grateful for. These can be big or small things! When you feel down, re-read all of your lists to help you feel better.
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    • For instance, you might write, “my friends, my cat, and beautiful weather today.”

[Edit]Removing Your Ex from Your Life

  1. Get rid of physical reminders of your ex. Seeing things that remind you of your ex will keep you locked in the cycle of craving their affection. Go through your living space and remove anything that makes you think of them. Take down photos, remove gifts, and collect mementos. Donate or throw away the items so they won’t remind you of the past.[3]
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    • If you don’t want to throw the stuff away, put the items in a box that you can give to a friend. When you’re ready, your friend can either discard the box or return it to you.
  2. Do a digital detox to avoid reminders of your ex. Your digital world is likely full of reminders about your relationship, and seeing them will be painful. Don’t scroll through photos of you and your ex during good times because it will make it take longer for you to get over them. Here’s what you need to do to detox digitally:[4]
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    • Unfollow all of their social media pages.
    • Delete all of your ex’s text or email messages.
    • Save your relationship photos to a folder you can access later, then delete them.
    • Block their phone number.
    • Stay off social media in the days after the breakup.
  3. Focus on yourself instead of worrying about what your ex is doing. You might be wondering about who your ex is seeing, what they’re doing, or if they feel bad about what happened. Don’t give them one more second of your time! Instead of worrying about them, keep your mind on your own needs and wants.
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    • When you catch yourself thinking about your ex, turn your attention to a hobby or interest.
  4. Say “no” to post-break up sex with your ex. It’s normal to feel tempted to hook up with your ex, but doing so will only make the pain worse. Your brain is hardwired to form an emotional connection during sex, and it’ll be an even stronger connection if you’re doing it with someone you used to love. Don’t be alone with your ex after the breakup so you won’t be tempted.
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    • If you have to see them, ask someone to go with you so that you won’t be alone with them.

[Edit]Returning to Yourself

  1. Focus on your existing relationships and on making new friends. Healthy relationships with your friends and family can help you be a stronger, more independent person. Plus, they will help you realize that you don’t need your ex! Spend time with the people who are important to you so you can grow closer to them. Additionally, go to local events, clubs, Meetups, or classes to meet new people.[5]
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    • Keep in touch with your friends by talking or texting daily.
    • Join your friends for coffee dates, dinner, and games.
  2. Pursue the interests you set aside during your relationship. While you were with your ex, it’s likely that you gave up part of yourself to become a partner to them. Now that you’re apart, regaining what you lost can help you enjoy being single! Think about the things you enjoyed before you got with your ex. Then, start including those things in you routine.
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    • For instance, you might have given up your gym membership because you never had time to go. Now is the time to renew it!
    • As another example, you might have stopped painting or doing photography because you were spending more time with your ex. Break out your equipment and dive back into that hobby!
  3. Start a new passion project to help you feel fulfilled. Pick a goal you’ve always wanted to accomplish or something that’s always interested you. Then, make a list of steps you can take to start working on it. Dedicate a block of time each day to work on your goal, and try to check off the steps on your list. This can help you stop thinking about your ex and build your independence.
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    • For example, you might decide to pursue a degree or to start a photography business.
    • As you work on your passion project, remind yourself that you’re building a future for yourself that isn’t dependent on a relationship.
  4. Try new things that your ex refused to do with you. Think about the times your ex said “no” to something you wanted to do, like trying a new restaurant or visiting a local museum. Then, create a breakup bucket list of these items. Ask a friend to join you or go alone as you check off each item on the list. Each time you do something, remind yourself that your ex was holding you back from it.
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    • For instance, join a friend for Indian food at the restaurant your ex wouldn’t try, paint pottery with a group of friends, play beach volleyball, go on a picnic in the park, visit the planetarium, and go to a slam poetry reading.
  5. Identify the future you want for yourself. Picture yourself in a year, 5 years, and 10 years. Think about how you want to live and what type of things you want to do. Then, write down what you hope to accomplish in the coming years so you can start working toward those goals. This can help you create a life you love as you move on from your ex.
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    • For instance, you might want to buy a home, build your career, and take your dream vacation.
    • Similarly, you might realize that you want to add more creativity to your life or that you want to move to a different area.



  • Do not rush into a new relationship. You don’t want to drag a bunch of emotional baggage into someone else's life. You may end up realizing that your new partner is someone you barely know or do not have any real interest in. Focus on feeling better about yourself.
  • Focus on building new memories with your friends to replace bad feelings about your ex.


  • Ignore all the rumors and things that might be going around about you and your ex. They are not worth your time.
  • Make sure you do not use another person to make your ex jealous. It won’t work, and you may end up hurting both yourself and the other person.
  • Don’t waste your energy trying to get back at your ex. The best revenge is creating a life you love and pursuing your own happiness!

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