среда, 31 июля 2019 г.

Gov. Jay Inslee of Washington State isn’t get a lot of speaking time so far in Wednesday night’s Democratic presidential nomination debate. But he just grabbed some of the loudest applause from the audience at the Fox Theater in Detroit.

from FOX News https://ift.tt/2ZnP6HZ

Protesters repeatedly interrupted the Democrats' presidential primary debate Wednesday night in Detroit -- and at one point, demonstrators shouted down frontrunner Joe Biden with chants of "three million deportations."

from FOX News https://ift.tt/2GGWoz5

New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker praised a group of protesters who interrupted his opening statement Wednesday during the second round of Democratic debates to call for the arrest of a New York City police officer accused of using a fatal chokehold on Eric Garner. 

from FOX News https://ift.tt/2Zmmq1P

Senators voted largely along party lines to confirm Ms. Craft, who became the American ambassador to Canada in 2017.

from NYT > U.S. > Politics https://ift.tt/2YA48gz

Mr. Castro using a question on immigration during the Democratic debate to mount an attack that others in the race have used to great success.

from NYT > U.S. > Politics https://ift.tt/2YeWuZu

Trump has a very specific strategy when he flubs a word in the teleprompter. But during a speech to mark the 400th anniversary of the first representative assembly in Jamestown, Virginia, we saw something entirely new.

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from msnbc.com Latest Headlines https://ift.tt/319AQ65

As coal declines in use, coal companies are racking up bankruptcies - leaving many workers out of a job and out of a paycheck.

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from msnbc.com Latest Headlines https://ift.tt/319zTe1

Former Congressman Leonard Lance, who was one of 40 Republicans who lost their seats in the 2018 midterms, talks to Chris Hayes about what goes into the calculation of whether to run or retire.

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from msnbc.com Latest Headlines https://ift.tt/2LT6mBD

Many are filtering the primaries through questions about “electability” or claims that political gravity doesn’t matter. The reality is more complex.

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from msnbc.com Latest Headlines https://ift.tt/315eQZX

If Tuesday’s debate focused on ideology and policy, the second one was a more personality-driven affair, centered on the rivalry between Kamala Harris and Joe Biden.

from NYT > U.S. > Politics https://ift.tt/2GzGE0T

• At 8:30 AM: The initial weekly unemployment claims report will be released.  The consensus is for 213 thousand initial claims, up from 206 thousand last week.

• At 10:00 AM: ISM Manufacturing Index for July. The consensus is for the ISM to be at 51.9, up from 51.7 in June. The employment index was at 54.5 in June, and the new orders index was at 50.0%.

• At 10:00 AM: Construction Spending for June. The consensus is for a 0.4% increase in construction spending.

from Calculated Risk https://ift.tt/2YCEmbr

• At 8:30 AM: The initial weekly unemployment claims report will be released.  The consensus is for 213 thousand initial claims, up from 206 thousand last week.

• At 10:00 AM: ISM Manufacturing Index for July. The consensus is for the ISM to be at 51.9, up from 51.7 in June. The employment index was at 54.5 in June, and the new orders index was at 50.0%.

• At 10:00 AM: Construction Spending for June. The consensus is for a 0.4% increase in construction spending.

from Calculated Risk https://ift.tt/2YCEmbr

Our reporters are following all of the exchanges. They will be fact-checking the candidates and providing context and explanation for the policy debates.

from NYT > U.S. > Politics https://ift.tt/2LSEnSO

He used it, he lost it, he got it back.

from Slate Magazine https://ift.tt/2KleM1B

Democratic presidential contenders attacked Republican President Donald Trump as a demagogue who is ripping apart the country and promised to restore unity during the opening minutes of a debate on Wednesday.

from Reuters: Politics https://ift.tt/2KhSeP8

Former Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., clashed in the opening moments of Wednesday night’s Democratic primary debate on the question of health care -- with Biden accusing Harris of “double talk,” and Harris implying that Biden was “confused.”

from FOX News https://ift.tt/2MtOIUt

Long-shot Democratic White House contender Bill de Blasio wasted no time at Wednesday's debate in highlighting his progressive credentials and in launching a broadside against the two top contenders standing center stage – former Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. Kamala Harris of California.

from FOX News https://ift.tt/2K8zN0H

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris face off again. Join Lisa Lerer and other Times reporters as they chat about what’s happening onstage.

from NYT > U.S. > Politics https://ift.tt/2OwIgPu

ASK AN ENGINEER – LIVE! 7/31/19 (video). What is “Ask an engineer”? From the electronics enthusiast to the professional community – “Ask an Engineer” has a little bit of everything for everyone. If you’re a beginner, or a seasoned engineer – stop in and see what we’re up to! We have demos of projects and products we’re working on, we answer your engineering and electronics questions and we have a trivia question + give away each week.


Live text chat in discord in the #livebroadcast channel, and we’ll have live video on Youtube, Twitch, Facebook, Mixer, and LinkedIn.

from Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers! https://ift.tt/2LSAcq6

Criticism of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell continues to resonate after he blocked legislation intended to protect American elections from Russian attack.

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from msnbc.com Latest Headlines https://ift.tt/2MwcXlc

After a breakout performance in Detroit, 2020 candidate Marianne Williamson joined The Beat and was pressed on policy positions. Williamson apologized for her past comments calling clinical depression 'a scam' and responded to calling vaccine mandates

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from msnbc.com Latest Headlines https://ift.tt/2yrZqTj

  1. REDIRECT Salt‐Speckle Paper

from How to of the Day https://ift.tt/2yqIe0H

ASK AN ENGINEER – LIVE! 7/31/19 (video). What is “Ask an engineer”? From the electronics enthusiast to the professional community – “Ask an Engineer” has a little bit of everything for everyone. If you’re a beginner, or a seasoned engineer – stop in and see what we’re up to! We have demos of projects and products we’re working on, we answer your engineering and electronics questions and we have a trivia question + give away each week.


Live text chat in discord in the #livebroadcast channel, and we’ll have live video on Youtube, Twitch, Facebook, Mixer, and LinkedIn.

from Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers! https://ift.tt/2LSAcq6

вторник, 30 июля 2019 г.

• At 7:00 AM ET, The Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) will release the results for the mortgage purchase applications index.

• At 8:15 AM, The ADP Employment Report for July. This report is for private payrolls only (no government). The consensus is for 155,000 payroll jobs added in July, up from 102,000 added in June.

• At 9:45 AM, Chicago Purchasing Managers Index for July.

• At 2:00 PM, FOMC Meeting Announcement. The Fed is expected to announce a 25bps cut to the Fed Funds rate at this meeting.

• At 2:30 PM, Fed Chair Jerome Powell holds a press briefing following the FOMC announcement.

from Calculated Risk https://ift.tt/2Ot8FO3

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., upped the temperature on the Democratic debate stage on Tuesday as he vehemently defended his plan for reforming health care in the United States.

from FOX News https://ift.tt/2MpW9fr

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., on Tuesday was not happy at the 2020 Democratic debate audience’s reaction to her pulling the debate back to her story of a friend who was suffering from ALS while battling his insurance company -- telling the audience “this isn’t funny.”

from FOX News https://ift.tt/2Yw4LI1

Progressive candidates Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren came under fire from more moderate rivals as the second round of Democratic debates began on Tuesday, spotlighting the ideological divide in the party's crowded presidential field.

from Reuters: Politics https://ift.tt/315Ynok

Moderate underdogs kick off Detroit debates by targeting the top candidates with charges of “wish-list economics” and “impossible promises.”

from NYT > U.S. > Politics https://ift.tt/330Yt2t

David Axelrod and Mike Murphy might have the answer.

from Slate Magazine https://ift.tt/333c6OI

The first debate exchange captured the battle within the Democratic Party over how the presidential nominee should change the country’s health care system.

from NYT > U.S. > Politics https://ift.tt/2Mt1Uci

New York Times reporters followed the exchanges and provided context around the candidates’ claims.

from NYT > U.S. > Politics https://ift.tt/330Wuv3

Embattled Puerto Rican Gov. Ricardo Rosselló will nominate former congressional representative Pedro Pierluisi as secretary of state, effectively making him the next in the line to lead the U.S. territory after Rossello resigns Friday, an island lawmaker said.

from FOX News https://ift.tt/2Mtns8S

Democratic presidential contender Tim Ryan stood out as the only candidate who didn't put his hand on his heart during a performance of "The Star-Spangled Banner" at the opening of Tuesday night's debate in Detroit,  prompting commentators to zing the marginal candidate even before opening statements began.

from FOX News https://ift.tt/30Y7N5o

California's Democratic governor signed a law on Tuesday requiring U.S. presidential candidates to release five years of tax returns before they can appear on the state's ballot, a move aimed squarely at Republican President Donald Trump.

from Reuters: Politics https://ift.tt/2K6lHgf

Moderate candidates voiced criticism of the progressive "wish-list economics" pushed by candidates like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren as the second round of the second Democratic presidential debates kicked off on Tuesday.

from Reuters: Politics https://ift.tt/2YfS4l2

Tonight’s lineup features 10 candidates including Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and Mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend, Ind.

from NYT > U.S. > Politics https://ift.tt/2OtWtwB

The Democrats are in Detroit for a primary debate. Join Lisa Lerer and other Times reporters as they chat about what’s happening onstage.

from NYT > U.S. > Politics https://ift.tt/2YfCea5

Many people dream of traveling the world one day, but it’s hard to save money to travel as often as you’d like to. If you want to begin saving for your dream trip or an upcoming vacation, it’s easy to get your travel fund started. You can kickstart your travel savings by cutting your expenses, budgeting your money, and choosing cheaper travel options and accommodations.


EditSaving Money Quickly

  1. Deposit money from each paycheck into your savings account automatically. Decide how much you can afford to save, such as 5-10% of your income. Once you get paid, move that money from your checking account into savings so you can’t spend it. Be sure to commit to saving the same amount or an increasing amount each month to build your savings.[1]
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    • You may be able to file paperwork with your employer so that a certain percentage of your paycheck is “direct deposited” into your savings account, rather than your checking account. That way, you won’t have to transfer the money yourself.
  2. Cut unnecessary spending to increase the amount you can save. Try to limit the amount that you spend on non-essentials, like entertainment, dining out at restaurants, or general shopping. Avoid going to clubs, bars, or cinemas until you have enough money for your trip- and if you do go the cinema, bring your own snacks and sit in standard seats; you don't need to pay extra to see the film in 3D or eat overpriced snacks in the premium seats. At the end of the month, transfer the money you didn’t spend from your checking account into to your savings.[2]
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    • For example, if you normally spend $150 per month on eating at restaurants, you can limit that to $50 per month and add the extra $100 to your savings.
  3. Get a part-time job to fund your travel if you have spare time. If you have extra time in your day and aren’t able to reach your savings goal through budgeting, apply to work at a restaurant, bar, or retail store. These jobs normally have flexible schedules and pay a bit above minimum wage, which can allow you to save an extra $200-$500 per month, depending on the job and how much you’re able to work.[3]
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    • Jobs like waiting tables and bartending are popular for making quick money since you often get cash tips and can begin saving immediately. These jobs also allow you to work weekends and evenings if you have a day job.
  4. Sell used books, clothes, and furniture to make extra money for your trip. Go through your items to see what you don’t want or need anymore. Look for places like consignment stores and used book stores to sell clothes and books. If you want to sell the items yourself, host a garage sale or post the items on an online marketplace, like Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist, Gumtree, eBay or Amazon.[4]
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    • Make sure all items that you’re trying to sell are in good condition with no damage or missing parts.
  5. Call your utility providers to see how you can lower your bill. Most utility companies keep track of how much gas, water, and electricity you use, and may have suggestions for lowering your costs. Try leaving the lights off, taking shorter showers, and programming your thermostat to adjust to a cooler or warmer temperature when you aren’t at home.[5]
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    • Try contacting your phone provider, as well, and opt for the cheapest plan available to save money. This might help you save an additional $30-$50 per month.
  6. Take public transport or walk to cut the costs associated with driving. If you usually drive, check the bus or train timetable, and purchase a pass to use your city’s public transport. For close destinations, try cycling or walking to get where you need to go. By doing so, you can save on parking passes, paying for petol, and any mechanical issues. Depending on where you live, choosing public transport can help you save as much as $13,000 annually![6]
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    • Normally, monthly transportation passes cost around $50-$100 and can be used to pay for multiple trips per day.
    • If you’re a student, check with your university to see if you can use your student I.D. for free or discounted passes.
    • Some employers provide a commuting incentive for employees who take public transport to cover the cost of the pass. Be sure to ask your manager if this is an option before you buy the pass!

EditBudgeting for Your Trip

  1. Track your spending closely for 1 month to see where your money goes. Use an app to enter all of your purchases or write down how much you spend in a notebook. Be sure to keep track of everything and save any receipts so you can categorize where you’re spending most of your money.[7]
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    • If you don’t want to wait a month to start saving, try looking over your bank statements for the past month to see how much you’re spending.
  2. Decide how much money you want to save for the trip. Start researching your expected expenses for the trip, like airfare, lodging, food, entertainment, and transportation in your destination. As a general rule, plan to save about $400 for spending money for each week of your trip, plus additional money for transportation and lodging throughout that time.[8]
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    • For example, if you were planning to take a month-long trip to a foreign country, you should save at least $1,500 for spending money plus the cost of a flight and a hotel room.
    • While you can get by with spending less, it’s better to have more than you need. When you come back from your trip, you can always put that extra money toward your next trip.
  3. Create a detailed budget that includes saving for travel expenses. Take the information that you gathered from tracking your spending and break it into categories. Budget money for fixed expenses, like rent or a mortgage, utilities, Internet, transportation, savings, and insurance. Then, make a category for expenses that fluctuate, like shopping, entertainment, and eating at restaurants.[9]
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    • Remember to make savings a “fixed” expense, since you’ll need to commit to saving a certain amount each month for your trip.
  4. Use rewards credit cards only if you can pay off the expense immediately. There are plenty of credit cards that offer rewards points and cashback for travel-related expenses, like airfare and hotel rooms. However, you should try to avoid going into debt for your trip, since high interest rates can negate the money saved from cashback or rewards points.[10]
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    • If you’re planning to use a rewards card to purchase something for your trip, transfer the money directly from your savings account to pay off the card as soon as possible.

EditSpending Less on Your Trip

  1. Travel during the off-season to save on airfare and lodging. Most tourist destinations are busier during popular vacation times, like holidays and school vacations. Try to travel during less popular months, which can vary depending on the destination. Research online before booking your flight to see when the peak season for that location is.[11]
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    • If you’re looking to go to a seasonal destination, like a ski resort, try to plan for the very beginning or end of the season for the best rates.
  2. Be flexible with your travel dates to get the best deals on airfare. When you’re searching for a flight, be sure to select the option for “flexible” dates. This means that you’d be willing to fly on any day of the week regardless of the length of your trip. Try searching for flights on aggregate websites, like Momondo and Kayak, which have flexible options.[12]
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    • If you need to depart or arrive on a certain date, try to make the other leg of your trip flexible to save some money.
  3. Stay in a hostel rather than a hotel to save money on hotel rooms. If you’re going to a popular tourist destination, try looking for availability in hostels, which have shared sleeping and common spaces. If you’re comfortable sharing a room or bathroom with a stranger for a few nights, this is a great option.[13]
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    • Remember to look up reviews of the hostel before booking your stay, especially if you’re traveling alone. If previous guests have reported feeling unsafe or have had things stolen, opt for a different lodging arrangement.
  4. Visit attractions and events that don’t have an admission fee. When you’re in a new city, visit places like museums and public exhibitions, which normally don’t have an entrance fee on certain days of the week. If you’re not sure where to go, try searching online for “free things to do” in the city where you’re staying.[14]
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    • For example, museums in New York City have a free admission day once per month. While they tend to be more crowded on these days, it’s a great way to see art, history, or science exhibits without using your spending money.
  5. Search for discounts online before purchasing tickets to events or attractions. If you’re planning to visit popular tourist attractions, search the name of the attraction plus the word “coupon” or “discount” online first. Use sites like GroupOn or membership groups like AAA and AARP to find special discounts on tickets.[15]
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    • You might also be able to get discounts or rewards points for using a credit card to purchase the tickets. However, keep in mind that you should pay off the card as soon as possible to avoid interest charges.


  • Before you depart on your trip, make sure your bags aren’t too heavy. If they’re over a specific weight, you may have to use some of your money to pay for a checked bag fee!


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from How to of the Day https://ift.tt/2SSysgU

A U.S. judge on Tuesday dismissed a Democratic Party lawsuit arguing that the Russian government, President Donald Trump’s campaign and WikiLeaks carried out a conspiracy to influence the 2016 U.S. election.

from Reuters: Politics https://ift.tt/2KjSSvs

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