понедельник, 30 апреля 2018 г.

The scandalous withdrawal of VA secretary nominee Adm. Ronny Jackson on Thursday was just the latest episode in a long stretch of chaos at the Department of Veterans Affairs. If President Trump wants to end the turmoil at the VA and allow the department to confront its critical problems, he will need to make a careful choice in his next nominee. The VA deserves a competent and experienced leader, with the policy background and management ability to steer it through these troubled times.

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On Thursday’s edition of the Political Gabfest, Emily Bazelon, John Dickerson, and David Plotz discussed the arguments before the Supreme Court on Wednesday in Hawaii v. Trump, the case concerning what’s known as the Muslim ban. The excerpt from the show below has been edited and condensed for clarity.

from Slate Articles https://ift.tt/2Jzk2wo

In a Friday morning conference meeting that was ostensibly about appropriations bills, Speaker Paul Ryan addressed members about a more divisive matter: his reasons for forcing out the House chaplain, the Rev. Patrick Conroy, earlier this month. Conroy’s dismissal has opened up an old-fashioned schism in the House, with Catholic members up in arms that a Protestant faction may have forced out the father.

from Slate Articles https://ift.tt/2Jusf4U

The race-and-IQ debate is back. The latest round started a few weeks ago when Harvard geneticist David Reich wrote a New York Times op-ed in defense of race as a biological fact. The piece resurfaced Sam Harris’ year-old Waking Up podcast interview with Charles Murray, co-author of The Bell Curve, and launched a Twitter debate between Harris and Vox’s Ezra Klein. Klein then responded to Harris and Reich in Vox, Harris fired back, and Andrew Sullivan went after Klein. Two weeks ago, Klein and Harris released a two-hour podcast in which they fruitlessly continued their dispute.

from Slate Articles https://ift.tt/2vP9MhH

Kanye West set social media ablaze on Wednesday in typical Kanye fashion, making a provocative, out-of-the-blue statement in a matter-of-fact way. He said he loved Donald Trump, calling him his brother who’s filled with the same “dragon energy.” Even though he doesn’t agree with everything the president does, West said, he admires Trump’s independent thought. Kanye was energized and basking in the attention he’d commanded. Even President Trump responded to ’Ye twice, thanking him for his support and tweeting “MAGA!” in solidarity.

from Slate Articles https://ift.tt/2KgPYa5

WASHINGTON, Michigan (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Saturday threatened to shut down the federal government in September if Congress did not provide more funding to build a wall on the border with Mexico.

from Reuters: Politics https://ift.tt/2FqwA71

TEL AVIV (Reuters) - The United States is deeply concerned by Iran's "destabilizing and malign activities", new Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said after meeting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday.

from Reuters: Politics https://ift.tt/2JBTfQ4

After a narrow win for Republicans in an Arizona district that President Trump won by a wide margin in 2016, some Republican lawmakers are warning their colleagues running for reelection that they need to start campaigning early and be prepared to work...

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Comedian Michelle Wolf’s remarks at the White House Correspondents Dinner divided viewers. Some thought it was mean-spirited, while others viewed it as a reflection of the president’s past language. The panel discussed the debate with MSNBC Anchor...

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Former CIA Acting Director John McLaughlin said the way in which Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee handled their Russian interference investigation shows a ‘new level’ of partisanship. The panel talks with MSNBC Anchor Ayman Mohyeldin...

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With a new poll showing Democratic Rep. Beto O’Rourke only three points behind Republican Sen. Ted Cruz in the upcoming Senate race in Texas, O’Rourke is pitching a pro-immigration message and drawing a stark contrast with his hard-line opponent.

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House Speaker Paul Ryan’s request for House Chaplain Father Patrick Conroy’s resignation has sparked intense debate from lawmakers on both sides of the aisle, and the handling of Conroy’s ouster has only added fuel to the fire.

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Katie Wilson is running as a Democrat in New York’s 21st District, joining a record-setting list of women and first-time candidates running in the midterm elections. She is also joining the chorus of candidates who want to shake up Democratic...

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With reports of Ohio Gov. John Kasich visiting early primary states and meeting with Republican donors, speculation is mounting that he may challenge President Trump in 2020. In an interview with NBC’s Kasie Hunt, Kasich says he’s not ruling out...

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Sen. Angus King, who sits on the Select Committee on Intelligence, says he hopes the committee will enter the fourth phase of its investigation into Russian meddling – determining whether there was collusion with the Trump campaign – as early as this...

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After North and South Korea met for a historic summit, President Trump told a crowd in Michigan that he wants credit for helping facilitate those talks. On the Sunday shows, lawmakers were divided on whether to give the president the credit he says he...

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Whether you want to admit it or not, you have an ego. Everyone does.

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Culture is what guides your company, for good or ill, when times are suddenly bad.

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These quick tips will help boost your confidence in five minutes.

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Being social and making friends at work is vital for your success.

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Thanks to technology, networking has drastically changed over the years.

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Esther Dairiam originally just wanted to run a normal bookstore. Here's why she didn't.

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