суббота, 31 марта 2018 г.

There has been a recent surge in the popularity of subscription boxes. Customers enjoy receiving a box of products every month, whether it’s ingredients for meals, beauty products, alcohol, coffee or even specialty products such as Japanese snack foods.

There seems to be no shortage of new ideas for niche products in the subscription box market, and there is a vast range of helpful ‘getting started guides’ available online. It can also be relatively easy to get started in the subscription box market.

Subscription boxes can be a great way of promoting your business and products, while also introducing your products to new customers. But there are a few pitfalls to avoid and common mistakes when setting up a new subscription box service. Let’s look at some of the things to consider before starting a subscription service yourself.

1. What is going to be in your subscription box?

There are two important things to consider when thinking about what to put in your subscription box: the current market competition and your passion for the product.

Of course, when starting any new business, it is important to know the market. Is someone else already providing a subscription service for your product? If so, how many other people are doing the same thing? With subscription boxes becoming very popular in recent years, it is key that you assess your chance for succeeding in a specific category of the industry.

For example, the makeup subscription box market is pretty saturated with the likes of the original beauty box, Birchbox, and the UK’s Glossybox dominating the market. There isn’t much room for new subscription boxes in the beauty department unless you are doing something vastly different. So you need to make sure your subscription box stands out.

You also need to be passionate about the products in your subscription box. Not only will this be easier for you to write about and promote a product you’re excited about, but you’ll also be able to relate to your customers more easily. When looking for a subscription service, people are often looking for something that makes their life easier, so they’ll gravitate toward products that fit into their lifestyle. You need to be able to speak to these people and attract them to your subscription box by passionately promoting the products you offer.

2. Who is your target market?

Defining your ideal customer might sound strange, but it’s almost as important as choosing the correct product. Don’t try and cater to everyone — that’s impossible!

Instead, choose your ideal customer and focus on specifics related to their lifestyle. For example, many meal preparation subscription boxes cater to busy people who want to cook with fresh produce, and a key part of their customer base are families. These subscription services will offer a child-friendly meal option to cater to these customers.

You need to focus on the market where you can attract the most customers. Then you need to think about how you can reach them. Without customers, you don’t have a business, so try to pinpoint your prospective target customers as early as possible.

3. How can you monetize your idea?

This might sound obvious, but as with any business venture, the goal is to make money and overcome the challenges that exist when starting a business.

First and foremost, name your price. Choosing the right price isn’t quite as easy as it sounds. In fact, it could make or break your subscription box business. Too low a price and potential customers will think your box is cheap and the products in it are of low quality. Charge too much, and people might not be able to afford your subscription box.

It’s worth doing some research before you decide on a price for your subscription box. It may also be a good idea to check out the competition’s prices. Many companies say they regret not charging more for their subscription box service, so how do you come up with the right price?

You can use a budgeting tool to work out how much your subscription box costs you to produce. This will largely depend on how you source the products you put in your subscription box: Do you pay for the products or not?

It might surprise you to learn that many large companies don’t pay for the products in their boxes. Partnerships mean companies give you free products to include in your subscription box. While partnerships allow you to start making money straight away, you’ll have less freedom in deciding what goes into the box.

To have full control over the products in your box, paid products is the way to go. However, you’ll have smaller profit margins on your subscription boxes, and end up depending on “pre-paid” plans to make money.

4. Should you offer different levels of membership?

If you pay for your products, pre-paid subscription services are the way to make the most money. Offering your customers three months or six months of service at a reduced rate will ensure you keep those customers longer and also have the money upfront to reinvest in your company.

Just be wary of constricting customers to long contracts. This is a practice that has largely gone out of fashion, with mobile phone carriers even offering rolling monthly contracts now. Customers don’t want to lock in to long-term contracts anymore, and they want an easy way out of the service. You can balance these two potentially conflicting ideas by making your website easy to navigate and offering shorter-term subscriptions such as monthly or quarterly contracts.

5. What’s the best way to prepare and ship your boxes?

How will you put your subscription boxes together? Will you compile all the items together in one place such as your garage or budget storage space and box the products yourself? Or will your partner or another third party do this for you?

There are a number of logistics companies whose sole purpose is to fulfill orders by packing, handling and shipping the desired items to your customers. Obviously, this will cost more than packing the boxes yourself and takes away a lot of the control you have over how the boxes are packed and presented. But once your business grows, packing boxes in your garage might not be very practical.

There is no right or wrong way to do this. You have to decide which option suits you and your business best. Research your options and find out how they fit in with your business model; for example, if a third party is providing free products, they may also take the responsibility and cost of packaging, handling and shipping off your hands.

6. How do you selecting the right packaging?

The packaging you use for your subscription box can affect the shipping costs and overall costs of your subscription service. The packaging will also have an impact on your customers.

Your subscription boxes need to look appealing when they arrive, be easy to deliver, open easily and — most importantly — protect the contents. Corrugated cardboard boxes are resilient and will retain their shape well, even under the stressors of most postal systems.

If you want your customers to notice your subscription boxes, why not customize your corrugated box with your company logo? A unique-looking package goes a long way in encouraging customers to keep subscribing to your service and spread brand awareness for your product.

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One thing that the most proficient salespeople instinctively and intuitively do on a consistent basis is to focus on the right deals. They seem to have their own built‐in or hard‐wired qualification system for accurately and effectively assessing their sales opportunities. They clearly don’t chase every deal that’s placed in front of them. It’s like they have a sixth sense about working on the right deals…the deals they have the best chances of winning. They can quickly examine 10 deals and determine which ones they should focus on immediately and which ones can be placed on the back burner.

Every salesperson believes that her deal is one she can win, provided she has access to the right resources. But how can a salesperson consistently evaluate all of the leads they are currently pursuing? Using a common language and a structured, repeatable process for analyzing each sales opportunity makes it easier for the salesperson, as well as the entire company to answer that question!

There are three compelling questions that should be asked in each sales campaign to qualify the opportunity. These questions, and the corresponding underlying criteria, should be examined at multiple times during a sales campaign. They should certainly be asked near the beginning of a campaign to determine if a real sales opportunity exists and should be pursued by the salesperson. They should be asked again if there’s a significant change to the customer’s business profile or to the competitive landscape during a sales campaign. It might also be appropriate to pose the questions yet again if there is a major change to the profile of the business (i.e., the introduction of new solutions).

The three compelling questions are:

1. Should We Pursue this Opportunity?

Is there a project or application associated with this opportunity, a corresponding budget and has the budget been approved? Do we understand the customer’s business drivers, business initiatives and compelling reasons for the customer to implement a decision or is the customer simply gathering information? Developing an in‐depth understanding of the customer’s business, their key customers and competitors are important components of this compelling question. Since time and resources are limited, it’s important to determine that the opportunity being pursued is a genuine opportunity ‐ worthwhile of our investment in both time and resources.

2. Can We Effectively Compete for this Opportunity?

Solution fit is but one component of whether you can be competitive in a sales campaign. Are there enough internal or external resources available to compete successfully for the business? Are there existing business relationships established with this customer? Do we understand the formal and informal decision‐making processes and can we impact those processes? Does our solution offer specific business value that enables us to differentiate ourselves from our competitors? Knowing how our company, as well as our solution, relates to the specific sales opportunity can be key ingredients to winning the deal. Being able to realistically contrast that information with that of our competitor(s) is another important factor of assessing this compelling question.

3. Can We Reasonably Expect to Win this Opportunity?

This compelling question is the most important one and also the one most overlooked in sales campaigns. Many opportunities are lost even if the salesperson has the best solution, the best delivery and even the best terms and conditions. This question deals with how well the salesperson understands the customer’s organizational structure that reveals the inside support necessary to win the deal. Do the most powerful people in the customer’s organization want us to win? Do we have credibility with the customer’s key players? Most importantly, is there political alignment with the key players in the customer organization who either affect or are affected by the buying decision? Finally, what facts support these assessments of our customer relationships? Contrasting these factors with that of our competitor(s) can have a significant impact on our decision to continue to pursue a sales opportunity.

Examining each of these three compelling questions at multiple times during a sales campaign can be compared to an airline pilot examining their pre‐flight checklist. No matter how many times a pilot has flown a certain plane, they meticulously examines that checklist prior to each and every flight, probing each question, using a structured and methodical approach. They clearly don’t want to be surprised in the midst of a flight and does not want to leave anything to chance. Although it may only take a few minutes for a salesperson to examine those three compelling questions and some of their underlying criteria, you will find that it is time well spent and by doing so you’ll increase your chances of winning those key deals!

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Software development is arguably the key strategic component of IT today. Chief Information officers (CIOs) face constant pressure to deliver custom software development projects that meet set business goals. Ensuring effective project planning and requirements management results in a smooth software development process.

The planning, development and realization of a new application can help enterprises create a competitive edge in the market, expand business and customer possibilities and drive enterprise growth. But with up to 18% of projects failing, development efforts getting abandoned and projects finishing late, how can you ensure that your development team is equipped to deliver?

Here are some ways you can streamline your software development process:

Ensure the Business Supports Process Change

Among all the crucial things that CIOs have to do to streamline software development processes, this one is the most overlooked. The fact is, the enterprise provides the funds for the project, and without their overall support, the project is doomed to fail. While introducing automation may be much easier, distributing changes across a business requires more preparation, according to expert insights learned when discussing software development with Kanban.

If a business is not ready to embrace change and implement proposed software changes, then users will likely resist the new process. An important business sponsor has to play an active role in critical decision-making, trade-off and open communication with all potential software users. When it comes to business process change, CIOs must identify the risks involved and actively review and revise the impact of software distribution across the enterprise.

Have a Software Development Plan

Without a project plan, setting and managing expectations can be challenging for CIOs. It’s important to strike a clear balance between major software development project drivers. A clear project plan should outline the scope of the development project, the deliverables expected, the planned budget, key milestones to be achieved, delivery timeline and the resources required.

According to a CIO article on project management tips, the whole purpose of having a software development plan is to identify the scope of the project, estimate the amount of work involved and create a more realistic and achievable project delivery schedule. On top of that, CIOs must ensure that software quality is determined at the project onset.

Have the Right Amount of Processes

Processes are what define software development projects. The more complex an application or software is, the more essential processes become. Think of the processes as development structures. If done right, they can provide the necessary framework for the team to consistently achieve the desired results. To streamline your software development processes, CIOs and IT must determine the right development method for the software or application.

Assemble the Right Development Team

While implementing the above practices can position your project approach for success, choosing a development team for your project can ultimately make or break your project. Assemble a team with the right mix of soft and hard skills, as well as substantial experience and a strong commitment to delivering high-quality software.

Keep in mind that internal software development projects are designed around strategic business needs, so they require more input and involvement from teams on the business side of the enterprise. While assembling a development team is not always easy, it should comprise of experts from your IT team and business side. In some cases, you may not have the necessary in-house skills. A Forbes article shares some tips on outsourcing software development.

If you do decide to set your search overseas, make sure to read reviews by previous clients to guarantee the company’s credibility and ability to deliver the service on time and to the level of quality your company needs. Make sure the cost of the service fits in your business’s operating budget as well.

Use Proper Software Development Techniques

Now that you’ve already set up the project for success, gotten the right development team in place and defined roles, the final step is identifying the proper software development techniques and project management process that is going to enable smooth execution of your project. Up to 50% of software development rework is attributed to requirements problems. How can you avoid this?

Software development teams should ensure smooth project planning and requirements management by investing in lean project management tools that streamline project organization, documentation, data analysis, communication and other tasks throughout the project life cycle. These simple guidelines form the basis of any successful software development project.

The post How to Streamline Your Software Development Process appeared first on Home Business Magazine.

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According to the World Health Organisation, healthcare or “universal healthcare coverage” is a global priority. In developing countries, access to universal healthcare is deemed “urgent”, while in developed nations, governments focus on increasing access to additional private healthcare coverage to supplement government-run universal coverage. Reportlinker reveals country statistics to help understand these variations.

For instance, in France there is universal healthcare coverage doled out by the government to all citizens which reimburses them for 70% of all their incurred medical costs. In addition to this coverage, the French government has made it mandatory that employers provide additional, privately-run healthcare coverage to all of their employees, with the employees paying about one-half of the premiums for it each month.

ReportLinker has uncovered much data illustrating the advancement of private healthcare coverage that supplements government-run universal coverage in various places around the globe. In Australia, for instance, there is supplementary private coverage for 55% of citizens, a high coverage rate that rose dramatically across the past 10 years.

In Finland, the percentage is 15.4, having trended upward every year from 2009 through 2015. In Chile, the private coverage percentage is 30.3 as of 2016 after two huge upward spikes in 2011 and 2014.

For an example of how healthcare coverage, government-run and privately owned, is trending upward in developing nations, we can look to India. In this rapidly developing, large nation, the number of citizens with healthcare coverage has risen strongly and steadily since 2014 and is forecasted to continue trending like this through 2021. However, while most healthcare coverage in India is universal, the quality of that healthcare can vary dramatically between different states and between urban versus rural areas.

But in the world’s largest economy, the United States, supplementary private healthcare coverage is very small, owned by less than eight percent of citizens. Since 2006, that percentage has fallen just about as often as it has risen year to year, and when it has risen it has risen only slightly. In Germany, the percentage for privately owned supplemental coverage has risen steadily every year since 2006 and as of 2015 was at 23.1% of German citizens.

Germany was ranked number 10 in the world on a list of the 16 nations with the “best” healthcare coverage on the planet. The United States? It didn’t make the list at all, while its northern neighbor, Canada, was on there at number 16.

But, there are critics who find lists such as that one unfounded, possibly even dangerous.

For instance, first-generation American and essayist Mahdi Barakat, who has been a consultant in the medical device industry, writes that the numbers tell us if the United States were to implement a Canadian/European type of healthcare coverage program (which the American political Left is forever calling for), over 100,000 more Americans would be killed each year compared to now. And Swedish essayist and economist Klaus Bernpaintner, who moved to the United States 2012, has written that Sweden’s government-implemented healthcare coverage system has been a disaster in every way. Sweden made the “best healthcare coverage” list at number six.

The post Healthcare Coverage and Global Priorities appeared first on Home Business Magazine.

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When you hear the words “setting up a business” it’s normal to think of the financial aspect, marketing efforts and the nitty-gritty of it, but there is also a whole other side of setting up a business that is just as important. While you may do your administrative work out of a home office, your overall company may need a physical location where business can take place, which means you also need to put the thought, planning, and coordinating into this aspect of company ownership.

Here we will help you work through the details when it comes to setting up the physical office for your new business, taking a look at everything from the construction, to the supplies, to even the fencing that keeps your business safe and secure. Let’s dive right in.

Picking the Ideal Location Should Be the First Step

When it comes to setting up your business office, it needs to start with the ideal location. While in some cases this may mean you are moving into an existing office space, in others it means you need to build the space yourself.

Construction or renovations of an office is a pretty big undertaking both from a financial and time-management standpoint, but the big benefit in going about things in this way is that you get to build the office that meets your exact needs and requirements. You won’t just have to make do with the space you’ve got; instead, everything will be built to your specifications.

It’s a good idea to work with professionals who have built and designed office spaces before so they can offer ideas and suggestions along the way.

Ensure the Building Is Kept Safe and Secure

The last thing you want to deal with after putting all the time, energy, and money into building your office and then stocking it with supplies and products is to then have a breaking and entering kind of situation. To ensure that your office is kept safe and secure, it’s a good idea to look into installing fencing around the building. This step should ideally be taken before you start putting furniture and office supplies or anything of value into the building.

Goode Fence is an excellent example of fencing contractors who have experience in installing commercial fencing that would be ideal for your business. You want a fence that is sturdy, durable, zero-maintenance and still looks attractive.

Making the Office Functional

Once the building has been built to your specifications and you’ve got your security fence in place, it’s time to stock it with supplies and all the items that will make the space functional. This means things such as office chairs, desks, computers, internet and phone service, printers, phones, overhead and task lighting, storage systems, a waiting area for customers/clients and a break room for employees.

You may want to create a layout or plan first of how you will place the furniture. Employees may need their own dedicated space that is private, so this could include cubicles or temporary walls. A conference room may also be necessary to outfit.

The final step can be décor touches that make the space inviting and comfortable to be in.

Creating a Space That Encourages Productivity

Each of these steps should be given plenty of thought and involve a fair amount of planning so that the end result is an office space that encourages productivity.

The post How to Set Up a Business Office – from Construction to Supplies to Even Fencing for the Business appeared first on Home Business Magazine.

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Every food business owner wants to make their own food delivery app. Unfortunately, they often do not have enough of an understanding of coding. To help them, we have put together this article. In this article, we discuss how to make an application like Postmates.

Before we go further, let us first go over how beneficial delivery apps are, especially in food industries.

Let’s get started!

Benefits of Food Delivery Apps

1. Business Promotion

Along with implementing an effective business strategy or well-rounded marketing plan, a food business must also have a food delivery app. As a matter of fact, with this app, you will be able to promote your business effortlessly.

2. Increased Orders

In the past couple of years, food delivery applications like the Postmates app have been useful and helpful, especially in the restaurant arena. The main reason why many businesses adopt this kind of app is to increase their number of customers and orders, especially during peak seasons.

Other Advantages of a Food Delivery App for Businesses

  • Less production as well as running costs
  • Improved efficiency
  • Can handle orders accurately
  • Increased productivity

How to Make a Food Delivery Business Application

If you want to make a food delivery app, then you have to go to the right place. Developing this kind of app is not an easy task and it requires a lot of time, hard work, and effort.

Food delivery apps are operated or classified into three roles: the server part, the staff as well as the client app. And since they consist of three categories, the development process also consists of three stages.

1. Client App

As the name implies, the client app is specifically created for customers. The client app should have these features:

  • Push notifications
  • History of orders
  • Settings
  • Manage user profile
  • Order screen
  • Onboarding
  • Order control

2. Server Part

In this part, the development of the back-end server takes place and it should have features like:

  • Data management
  • Logistics control
  • Websockets
  • Push notifications
  • Huge database

3. Staff App

The staff app is considered to be an integral part of building an application for food delivery. It features an admin panel and delivery app. The staff app part has a definite variety of functions and here are the following:

Delivery App

  • Order details
  • Courier’s profile
  • Order map

Admin Panel

  • Income control
  • Client control
  • List of places where consumers can get food and menus

Seller’s Dashboard

  • Settings
  • Transactions
  • Seller’s profile
  • Order management
  • Personal dashboard

Now that you know the various features and functions that you need to integrate into your food delivery app, you can now start making your own. Make sure to engage in a market analysis when planning your business and before diving into this kind of app.

In addition, you should use an original business model, although the majority of food delivery businesses or services are using business models that are somewhat similar. If you truly want to stand out, create a unique business model for your new venture.

The post How to Create an App like Postmates for a Food Delivery Business appeared first on Home Business Magazine.

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Having a pet can make your house a livelier and more enjoyable place but there are some problems that business owners who work out of a home office must be ready to encounter. One of the most common issues that pet owners tend to face is the pet stain odor. Pet urine soaks easily into a carpet, leaving a stinky odor and making the environment much more unpleasant.

You may try your best to keep your pets out of your home office space, but should they sneak in at times and leave an unappreciated mess, you need to know how to take care of the issue swiftly so your environment isn’t negatively impacted.

Even some of the most well-behaved pets can leave their odor behind. Fortunately, manufacturers have come up with products that can be used for cleaning carpet stains and removing odor in an effective manner. Here is how it can be done.

Machine-washable items

Some things can be washed in a machine. You just have to add some baking soda to the regular detergent being used and wash the item in the same setting that other garments are being washed in. If there is still an unpleasant pet odor left, an enzymatic cleaner can be used that can break down the smell.

Some people buy special sheets and blankets for pets so that they can be washed easily in the machines.

Carpeted areas

In order to deal with carpeted areas, soak up the urine as much as possible and then place a thick layer of paper towels on the wet spot. Then the thick layer must be covered with a newspaper. Make sure the area is barely damp before proceeding towards the next step.

The wet area must then be rinsed properly with clean and cool water until and unless it is dry. Detergents can be applied as well, as advised by a leading carpet cleaning service.

Already set stains

For stains that have already set into the carpet, consider purchasing a good carpet cleaner from a nearby store. Once the area has been cleaned, a high-quality pet odor neutralizer can be used on the ‘accident zone’. If the area still appears to be stained, use a carpet stain remover after it is completely dried and neutralized.

Steam cleaners must be completely avoided. The heat used permanently set the stains and the odor which then become extremely difficult to remove. Also avoid using cleaning chemicals such as vinegar and ammonia. The strong chemical odors further encourages the pet to mark their scents in that specific area.

If your pet caused a stain on your sofa, especially if it’s made from a material such as microsuede or linen, try your best to take action straight away to clean the damaged part before it sets and is beyond treatment. This way, you can maintain a clean and professional look in your home office.

Prevent future incidents

Once the area has been cleaned, it is important to avoid future incidents. Make your home office unattractive or inaccessible to pets. As long as the area is attractive to a pet, it will continue to return to that zone.

Also, vets can be considered if there is any medical issue with the pet. If you are certain the pet is healthy, then positive reinforcement strategies can be used to train your dog or other pet. Remember that there may be a specific reason for the pet to choose the wrong place to urinate. It is important to understand what they are trying to convey. Having a more empathetic approach will help you bring them back on track and avoid such accidents. In the end, taking action before it happens is a better solution.

After thorough consideration, you may simply decide to switch your home office flooring to hardwood floors in order to prevent some of the pet stain issues altogether. Implement the above strategies in the meantime to help keep your home office space as pleasant and sterile as possible. Pets are family and making compromises or investing money to integrate them into your lifestyle is a noble effort.

The post Home Office Tips: Carpet Cleaning for Pet Stains and Odor Removal appeared first on Home Business Magazine.

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There is an increasing trend towards more people working from home either in their own home business or working for a company that allows their employees to work remotely part-time or full-time. This trend is predicted to grow even more as indicated in research by PSKF* that found 60 percent of today’s office-based employees are expected to work remotely by 2022. If you are working from home, it is important that you have enough space to create an office setting that is comfortable, distraction and stress-free, and conducive to being productive.

Separate Room or Dedicated Space

The first thing you have to do when creating and designing your home office is to define your space. Do you have a room you aren’t using such as a guest room or extra bedroom? If you do, you can turn it into your office to prevent distractions. If you don’t have any extra rooms, it is still possible to create a dedicated space in your home where you have a few feet of available space. Does your home have an alcove under your staircase? How about a large stair landing? You can even set up an office in unused spaces in your living room or bedroom. You might be surprised at what you can do with current living spaces simply by re-arranging some furniture and utilizing the space you have in different ways. All you need is a little creative and out-of-the-box thinking.

Choosing Your Furniture

You can either re-purpose furniture from other rooms in your house or visit affordable furniture stores. You can also check out their sale items to save even more money. The most important piece of furniture is your desk. Think about what you need, the amount of space you have, and what size is best for you. Make sure that your desk is not used for anything except your work. If you have to move non-work related papers, children’s toys, or other junk before you start your work, you will be wasting time and it will impede your progress. The chair you choose or purchase is also a very important piece of furniture as you will be spending a lot of your time in that chair. Don’t forget that sitting for extended periods of time can cause leg or back pain. It is probably not a good idea to simply move one of your kitchen chairs into your office space as it is more than likely not going to be comfortable after spending several hours on it. If you don’t already own a high-quality office chair, this is something you should definitely consider purchasing new.

Decorate Your Space

You might be thinking that how you decorate your office space is not important. However, remember that you want to be efficient and get things done in your home office. Surrounding yourself with things like pictures of family and friends, plants, scented candles, or inspiring quotes will make your office cozy and personal. Did you know that when your office space smells nice it actually increases efficiency? That’s right, recent studies have shown that more fragrant offices improve both comfort and productivity.

Keep Clutter to a Minimum

There is no bigger detriment to being productive than having to sort through piles of stuff or clutter in order to find something you need to complete any given task. You will want to have everything you need available to you right at your fingertips. This is where shelving and storage become important. If your desk doesn’t have much storage or a file drawer, you can build shelves over your desk to put files, office products, and important papers. Consider purchasing used cabinets from places like Craigslist or Facebook. It is easy enough to paint or refinish a used cabinet to match your preferred style and decor. Another option is to contact demolition companies and ask if they have any cabinets from houses or buildings that are being destroyed.

Working from home has so many benefits, including more flexibility and the ability to create your own hours. However, don’t overlook the importance of creating the most tranquil and functional office space for you to get your work done. It doesn’t have to cost you a lot of money. All it takes is a little creativity and you are well on your way to having a great new home office.

*Source: https://ift.tt/2pN7JFq

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A trade war with China would inflict far more damage on the American economy than could be recouped from tariffs and other protectionist levies.

That’s the problem with the Trump administration’s unilateral action, taken under Section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974, to levy punitive tariffs on up to $50 billion of goods from China.

Already that decision has prompted a retaliatory response from Beijing that targets 128 American products ranging from soybeans, wine, and various fruits to steel pipes and ethanol. These Chinese taxes on American exports, and higher prices from U.S. taxes on imports, could have wide-reaching negative impacts for the U.S. economy.

Beijing has long used coercive tactics to force American companies to transfer intellectual property worth billions into Chinese hands. But countering those abuses with tariffs and sanctions on Chinese imports is not the way to go.

In addition to penalizing American consumers, such actions also violate America’s commitments to the World Trade Organization.

My Heritage Foundation colleague Riley Walters recommends that the administration and Congress avoid heavy-handed trade restrictions and instead take vigorous steps to protect intellectual property rights while staying true to core American values.

He urges the U.S. government to pursue complaints about lack of access to China’s market, including the filing of additional World Trade Organization cases, thereby allowing U.S. companies to remain on the ground in China and take advantage of the growth potential of China’s economy.

>>> 5 Things You Should Know About US Trade With China

Another colleague, trade economist Tori Whiting, questions whether the Office of the United States Trade Representative conducted a full economic cost-benefit analysis of tariffs on imports from China under Section 301.

Did the trade representative present President Donald Trump with comprehensive information about the impact of those tariffs before he made the decision to levy them? Did the president have a complete picture of the many potentially negative consequences the tariffs would create for American workers?

>>> 4 Questions Lawmakers Should Ask Trump’s Trade Officials in Hearings This Week

Whiting cites a letter from dozens of U.S. business groups, warning the president of a “chain reaction of negative consequences” arising from tariffs. Among those consequences: reduced U.S. exports; higher costs for American businesses and consumers (especially for electronics, apparel, and other consumer products); and reduced manufacturing competitiveness, due to artificially higher costs of imported intermediate goods.

Meanwhile, the business groups cautioned, the fundamental challenges posed by unfair and discriminatory Chinese trade practices would remain unaddressed.

David Kreutzer, Heritage’s senior research fellow for labor markets and trade, praises the Trump administration’s record for cutting regulations and taxes. Yet, he notes, the 301 tariffs announced this week (and earlier tariffs levied by the administration on steel, aluminum, solar panels, and washing machines) actually amount to new taxes and an increased regulatory burden on companies to comply with the new trade restrictions. The end result of this wealth transfer “from the politically impotent to the politically powerful,” Kreutzer warns, will be a weaker American economy.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, is the impact of the Trump administration’s protectionist policies on American economic freedom.

Over the last two decades, The Heritage Foundation’s annual Index of Economic Freedom has consistently demonstrated that economically freer countries—those such as the United States that have opened their societies to new ideas, products, and innovations—have largely achieved high levels of social progress.

Centrally-planned economies, such as China’s economy, do not produce the most positive social outcomes.

If China wishes to achieve real social progress, it will have to expand economic freedom—and that means lower barriers to market entry and allowing its citizens and companies greater freedom to engage with the world with less government intrusion.

Originally published by The National Interest.

The post A Trade War With China Is Not in America’s Interest appeared first on The Daily Signal.

from The Daily Signal https://ift.tt/2J1MLdX

Controversy continues to swirl around how the consulting firm Cambridge Analytica obtained personal data from over 50 million Facebook users without their knowledge and used it to target ads to individuals in an effort to help Donald Trump be elected president in 2016.

But a more serious case of apparent misconduct involves Facebook data going to a different presidential campaign—this time in 2012. In this case, which is getting far less attention, Facebook reportedly voluntarily provided data on millions of its users to the re-election campaign of President Barack Obama.

If true, such action by Facebook may constitute a major violation of federal campaign finance law as an illegal corporate campaign contribution. The matter should be investigated by the Federal Election Commission—an agency I am quite familiar with, because I served as one of its commissioners from 2006 to 2007. The commission enforces campaign finance laws for congressional and presidential elections.

A federal law bans corporations from making “direct or indirect” contributions to federal candidates. That ban extends beyond cash contributions to “any services, or anything of value.” In other words, corporations cannot provide federal candidates with free services of any kind.

Under the Federal Election Commission’s regulations, “anything of value” includes any “in-kind contribution.” For example, if a corporation decided to offer a presidential candidate free office space, that would violate federal law.

Corporations can certainly offer their services, including office space, to federal campaigns. But the campaigns are required to pay the fair market value for such services or rental properties.

According to Carol Davidsen, the former media director for Obama for America, Facebook gave the 2012 Obama campaign direct access to the personal data of Facebook users in violation of its internal rules, making a special exception for the campaign.

The Daily Mail, a British newspaper, reported that Davidsen said on Twitter March 18 that Facebook employees came to the campaign office and “were very candid that they allowed us to do things they wouldn’t have allowed someone else to do because they were on our side.”

The type of data that the Obama campaign was mining from Facebook is a more sophisticated version of the type of data that has long been provided by professional direct mail marketers—something pioneered by Richard Viguerie.

Viguerie, for example, has detailed personal data on “12 million conservative donors and activists” to whom his company sends letters and emails on behalf of his clients. He provides information to campaigns looking for votes and money, and to nonprofit and advocacy organizations raising funds.

Political campaigns must pay for these services. Under a Federal Election Commission regulation, giving a mailing list or something similar to a campaign is considered an “in-kind contribution.”

So if Facebook gave the Obama campaign free access to this type of data when it normally does not do so for other entities—or usually charges for such access—then Facebook would appear to have violated the federal ban on in-kind contributions by a corporation. And the Obama campaign may have violated the law by accepting such a corporate contribution.

What about the story currently in the news about Cambridge Analytica using Facebook data for the Trump campaign?

The important legal distinction may be in the way the data were obtained. Fox News reported that the Trump campaign hired Cambridge Analytica to do political research on voters and reportedly to “help the campaign target specific voters with ads and stories.”

The real controversy now involving the Trump campaign deals with exactly how Cambridge Analytica obtained the data it used for the campaign. A CNBC report says that Cambridge Analytica bought the data from Aleksandr Kogan and his company, Global Science Research, which obtained the data through an app and a psychological test taken by Facebook users.

The amounts paid by the Trump campaign to Cambridge Analytica for its services—and the use of the Facebook data—are listed in its spending reports filed with the Federal Election Commission.

This proves that the Trump campaign paid for services in the same way that campaigns routinely hire and pay direct mail marketers. So the Trump campaign did not get an illegal corporate contribution from Cambridge Analytica or Facebook when it received free access to very valuable data.

Whether or not Global Science Research and Cambridge Analytica violated any Facebook rules regarding this data is not the responsibility of the Trump campaign. From the standpoint of federal campaign finance law, the Trump campaign met its obligation to pay for and report this spending and did not violate the ban on corporate contributions.

However, whether or not the Obama campaign and Facebook violated this ban is an open question. It should be investigated by the Federal Election Commission and potentially the Department of Justice. The commission handles most routine violations of the law, which are civil matters. The Justice Department is responsible for investigating knowing and intentional violations of the law, which are criminal matters.

Although the statute of limitations may have already run out on this conduct by the Obama campaign, one thing seems certain: Davidsen’s admissions should provide a sufficient basis for opening a federal investigation of what may have been a serious violation of the law by the Obama campaign.

Originally published by Fox News.

The post Facebook’s ‘Favors’ for Obama Campaign May Have Violated Federal Law appeared first on The Daily Signal.

from The Daily Signal https://ift.tt/2pO0yfn

From the expulsion of Russian diplomats to a citizenship question on the 2020 census, here are five of the biggest stories driving U.S. politics this week, in a nutshell.

from NYT > Politics https://ift.tt/2Ij7b0R

The Trump administration called the money for building new and replacement barriers a first step in the president’s promise for a border wall with Mexico.

from NYT > Politics https://ift.tt/2pV2ItB

Thursday was the last day at the White House for the 29-year-old from Connecticut, who followed an unlikely career path to become a presidential confidante.

from NYT > Politics https://ift.tt/2GX00fs

In one of the deadliest mass shootings in American history, Omar Mateen killed 49 people at a gay nightclub in Orlando. Here’s how that attack unfolded.

from NYT > Politics https://ift.tt/2J4gMK4

Adam Liptak, who covers the Supreme Court for The New York Times, explains what he calls “the most cryptic part of the United States Constitution.”

from NYT > Politics https://ift.tt/2E6OTxp

What the journey of a Union Pacific locomotive reveals about Trump’s plans for the North American economy.

from NYT > Politics https://ift.tt/2pRwPTy

With a clutch of newly flippable House seats and signs of growing voter restiveness, the state is shaping up as a focal point in the fight for control of Congress, strategists in both parties say.

from NYT > Politics https://ift.tt/2pTuzKC

By tying a trade deal with South Korea to progress in denuclearizing Pyongyang, President Trump is pressuring an ally hoping it will help him deal with a reclusive foe.

from NYT > Politics https://ift.tt/2pQAFvx

Without major change, spending bills that are too big to veto will most likely remain the standard in Congress, despite President Trump’s insistence that he’ll never sign one again.

from NYT > Politics https://ift.tt/2pQaXYR

Even though Mr. Trump still takes potshots at Amazon, the industry’s relationship with the White House is shifting as tech companies find some common ground with the president.

from NYT > Politics https://ift.tt/2GkMuB3

HOSPERS, Iowa (AP) -- In Sioux County, where swine barns interrupt the vast landscape of corn-stubbled fields, exports of meat, grain and machinery fuel the local economy. And there's a palpable sense of unease that new Chinese tariffs pushed by President Donald Trump - who received more than 80 percent of the vote here in 2016 - could threaten residents' livelihood....

from AP Top Political News at 12:56 a.m. EDT https://ift.tt/2GYpwRs

WASHINGTON (AP) -- A federal court in Washington has told the Trump administration that the government can't interfere with the ability of pregnant immigrant teens being held in federal custody to obtain abortions....

from AP Top Political News at 12:56 a.m. EDT https://ift.tt/2gspatC

WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Donald Trump's unscripted remark this week about pulling out of Syria "very soon," while at odds with his own policy, was not a one-off: For weeks, top advisers have been fretting about an overly hasty withdrawal as the president has increasingly told them privately he wants out, U.S. officials said....

from AP Top Political News at 12:56 a.m. EDT https://ift.tt/2uuQxWl

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Russian ships are skulking around underwater communications cables, causing the U.S. and its allies to worry the Kremlin might be taking information warfare to new depths....

from AP Top Political News at 12:56 a.m. EDT https://ift.tt/2Gm5hvN

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Officials are hoping to break ground on a project replacing 20 miles of border wall in Santa Teresa, New Mexico in early April....

from AP Top Political News at 12:56 a.m. EDT https://ift.tt/2GzZLZH

DETROIT (AP) -- The Trump administration is expected to announce that it will roll back automobile gas mileage and pollution standards....

from AP Top Political News at 12:56 a.m. EDT https://ift.tt/2J9t4AL

HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) -- U.S. Rep. Elizabeth Esty, an outspoken advocate for the #MeToo movement, has found herself in the awkward position of apologizing for not protecting female staffers in her Washington office who say they experienced violence, death threats and sexual harassment by her former chief of staff....

from AP Top Political News at 12:56 a.m. EDT https://ift.tt/2pTdqkd

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Trump administration is asking the Supreme Court to dismiss a case about emails the government wants as part of a drug trafficking investigation....

from AP Top Political News at 12:56 a.m. EDT https://ift.tt/2yNqNtg

Riots erupted in America's capital in the hours after Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated on April 4, 1968. Grieving and angry, rioters smashed windows, looted and burned buildings for several days, and at least 10 people lost their lives as a result of the violence....

from AP Top Political News at 12:56 a.m. EDT https://ift.tt/2pPNiYf

WASHINGTON (AP) -- A diplomatic crisis tearing at the Middle East has ignited a multimillion-dollar battle for influence in Washington between bitter rivals Qatar and the United Arab Emirates....

from AP Top Political News at 12:56 a.m. EDT https://ift.tt/2pQPAXg

Fannie Mae reported that the Single-Family Serious Delinquency rate decreased to 1.22% in February, down from 1.23% in January. The serious delinquency rate is up from 1.19% in February 2017.

These are mortgage loans that are "three monthly payments or more past due or in foreclosure". 

The Fannie Mae serious delinquency rate peaked in February 2010 at 5.59%.

Fannie Freddie Seriously Delinquent RateClick on graph for larger image

By vintage, for loans made in 2004 or earlier (3% of portfolio), 3.35% are seriously delinquent. For loans made in 2005 through 2008 (6% of portfolio), 6.49% are seriously delinquent, For recent loans, originated in 2009 through 2017 (91% of portfolio), only 0.53% are seriously delinquent. So Fannie is still working through poor performing loans from the bubble years.

The recent increase in the delinquency rate was due to the hurricanes - no worries about the overall market (These are serious delinquencies, so it took three months late to be counted).

After the hurricane bump, maybe the rate will decline to 0.5 to 0.7 percent or so to a cycle bottom.

Note: Freddie Mac reported earlier.

from Calculated Risk https://ift.tt/2GGeaUp

Here are few Q1 GDP forecast.

From Merrill Lynch:
The data sliced 0.3pp from 1Q GDP tracking, bringing it down to 1.6%. [March 29 estimate].
And from the Altanta Fed: GDPNow
The GDPNow model estimate for real GDP growth (seasonally adjusted annual rate) in the first quarter of 2018 is 2.4 percent on March 29, up from 1.8 percent on March 23. The forecast of the contribution of inventory investment to first-quarter real GDP growth increased from 0.66 percentage points to 1.21 percentage points after yesterday’s advance releases of wholesale and retail inventories by the U.S. Census Bureau, yesterday's GDP release by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), and this morning's release of the revised underlying detail tables for the National Income and Product Accounts by the BEA.
From the NY Fed Nowcasting Report
The New York Fed Staff Nowcast stands at 2.7% for 2018:Q1 and 2.9% for 2018:Q2. [March 30 estimate]
CR Note: It looks like another quarter around 2% or so, although there might still be some residual seasonality in the first quarter.

from Calculated Risk https://ift.tt/2pTb2tO

From HotelNewsNow.com: STR: US hotel results for week ending 24 March
The U.S. hotel industry reported positive year-over-year results in the three key performance metrics during the week of 18-24 March 2018, according to data from STR.

In comparison with the week of 19-25 March 2017, the industry recorded the following:

Occupancy: +1.0 at 69.4%
• Average daily rate (ADR): +4.4% to US$133.42
• Revenue per available room (RevPAR): +5.4% to US$92.53

STR analysts note that performance in many major markets was boosted by strong group business, which moved out of the week of 25-31 March due to an earlier Easter.
emphasis added
The following graph shows the seasonal pattern for the hotel occupancy rate using the four week average.

Hotel Occupancy RateClick on graph for larger image.

The red line is for 2018, dash light blue is 2017 (record year due to hurricanes), blue is the median, and black is for 2009 (the worst year since the Great Depression for hotels).

Currently the occupancy rate, to date, is third overall - and slightly ahead of the record year in 2017 (2017 finished strong due to the impact of the hurricanes).

Data Source: STR, Courtesy of HotelNewsNow.com

from Calculated Risk https://ift.tt/2GWLWCw

Reis reported that the vacancy rate for regional malls was 8.4% in Q1 2018, up from 8.3% in Q4 2017, and up from 7.9% in Q1 2017. This is down from a cycle peak of 9.4% in Q3 2011.

For Neighborhood and Community malls (strip malls), the vacancy rate was 10.0% in Q1, unchanged from 10.0% in Q4, and up from 9.9% in Q1 2017. For strip malls, the vacancy rate peaked at 11.1% in Q3 2011.

Comments from Reis:
Despite continued announcements of store closures, the Neighborhood and Community Shopping Center vacancy rate remained at 10% for the fourth consecutive quarter, up from 9.9% in the first quarter of 2017. The vacancy rate has increased 20 basis points from a low of 9.8% in Q2 2016.

On the national level, both asking and effective rents increased 0.4% in the first quarter. At $20.96 and $18.34 per square foot, the average market and effective rents have increase 1.9% and 2.1% year-over-year, respectively.

Net absorption was 453,000 square feet, the lowest quarterly total in more than five years. Construction was also much lower than average: 712,000 square feet, well below the 3.1 million square feet quarterly average in 2017. The first quarter tends to see the lowest activity; however, this was an unusually slow quarter for retail leasing and construction.

The mall vacancy rate increased to 8.4% in the quarter, up 50 basis points from 7.9% in the first quarter of 2017. The quarterly rent increase of 0.5% shrouds the gap between the higher-end malls, which are thriving, and the increasingly vacant lower-end malls.
Although the retail real estate market survived the tsunami of closures in 2017, the closures expected in the second quarter from Toys “R” Us, BI-LO and others will be a true test of the retail sector’s ability to weather the ongoing storm.
emphasis added
Mall Vacancy Rate Click on graph for larger image.

This graph shows the strip mall vacancy rate starting in 1980 (prior to 2000 the data is annual). The regional mall data starts in 2000. Back in the '80s, there was overbuilding in the mall sector even as the vacancy rate was rising. This was due to the very loose commercial lending that led to the S&L crisis.

In the mid-'00s, mall investment picked up as mall builders followed the "roof tops" of the residential boom (more loose lending). This led to the vacancy rate moving higher even before the recession started. Then there was a sharp increase in the vacancy rate during the recession and financial crisis.

Recently both the strip mall and regional mall vacancy rates have increased from an already elevated level.

Mall vacancy data courtesy of Reis

from Calculated Risk https://ift.tt/2IgOGtW

The only man in the world who is friends with both the dictator running North Korea and the president of the United States hopes the two will hit it off when they meet in May.

from FOX News https://ift.tt/2pT5Hmg

The inspector general report that led to the firing of former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe faults him for lying four separate times, a Republican congressman said.

from FOX News https://ift.tt/2pTttih

Call it a tale of two targets. Michael Flynn, the former national security adviser and retired three-star Army general, is on the brink of financial ruin, selling his Virginia home in order to pay his mounting legal bills.

from FOX News https://ift.tt/2IkgduG

Citing a disturbing trend of new soldiers lacking both proper discipline and physical fitness, senior U.S. Army leaders are calling for a tougher and longer basic training program as the military looks to better prepare grunts for combat over the next decade.

from FOX News https://ift.tt/2Gnohdv

Hillary Clinton has been known to make huge sums in speaking fees, but Thursday’s reported payment may sound like she was short-changed.

from FOX News https://ift.tt/2If9hPb

This is how the firing of the VA secretary could have been framed: David Shulkin had gotten himself in a heap of trouble.

from FOX News https://ift.tt/2Igb4n6

Etsy.com handmade and vintage goods

Photo by Aquarian Thoughts

Every week on the Etsy Journal, we share a fresh in-depth story about one of the talented makers or creative collectives who fill our marketplace with its distinctive blend of delightful, unique goods. We discover how (and where, and when) they work, what inspires them, and what gives their products their own indelible one-of-a-kind stamp. And while each one of these interviews is equally special, surprising, and impactful, there are always a few features that get our community talking even more than usual.

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Today, we’re celebrating, and resurfacing, some of those recent standout seller stories, selected from across our top categories—in case you missed them the first time. Which one speaks to you?

Aquarian Thoughts

Given how much the Etsy community loves stacking rings, it’s no surprise that one of this season’s most-shopped Etsy Journal maker interviews was with New York City designer Nadirah Bostick, whose eminently collectible line of “delicate jewelry for everyday wear,” Aquarian Thoughts, is heaven for jewelry lovers who prefer to pile on accessories by the dozen. “When it comes to mixing, I say the more the merrier. If you mix the metals and styles, and each one is something you’re really attracted to, then it’s meaningful. It tells its own story,” Nadirah says. Want more proof that a carefully layered jewelry look can amount to more than the sum of its parts? Read the full story about Nadirah’s approach to design.

One Man, One Garage

Nevermind the name. The two (yes, two) men behind the Nashville-based laser-cut design shop One Man, One Garage are worlds away from the caricature of the solitary tinkerer hidden away in his workshop. Sure, Marcus Williams and SJ Stone put in plenty of hours in their garage laboratory, designing and fabricating original laser-cut kits that assemble into lamps, birdhouses, planters, and more, but just as often, they’re out in the world, talking shop with other makers and getting to know their customers at pop-up markets and street fairs all around Nashville.

And their designs, too, are meant to encourage interaction between the folks who purchase (or receive) them. “One of the things that makes me happiest is hearing how our designs encourage families to spend time together,” Marcus says. “We design a gift, but that’s just one piece of the puzzle. The other piece is the quiet time, where a couple people can sit down and make something together. We love the idea that you’re gifting some of your time in addition to thoughtfully finding a perfect, unique item.” Read more of Marcus and SJ’s story. 

Joshica Beauty

It’s hard to say exactly why Joshica Kiah’s story struck such a chord with Etsy Journal readers. Maybe it’s her heartwarming journey of finding self-love and acceptance by embracing her natural “kinky, curly” hair—and developing an all-natural line of products to help it look and feel its best. Maybe it’s her gorgeous, undeniably eye-catching packaging. Or maybe it’s Joshica’s sunny, can-do attitude, which shines through in her words and photos.

Whatever the reason, there’s no doubt our interview with the Los Angeles maker behind eco-friendly bath and beauty line Joshica Beauty hit home for shoppers, collecting more than its fair share of comments. “I can definitely relate to the pressure to alter your naturally curly hair,” wrote one reader. “Congratulations on making the big leap!” And that—Joshica’s ability to connect with and relate to women around the world through her products—might be the answer, after all.  “Joshica Beauty is more than just a brand,” explains Joshica. “It’s about loving my natural hair and encouraging curly-haired women like me to love their natural hair and to love themselves, too.” Get inspired by Joshica’s story.

Kate Szabone Jewellery

Sometimes innovation means learning to embrace your natural beauty, and sometimes it means bringing cutting-edge technology (3D printing, CAD) into a historically high-touch, hands-on process like fine jewelry making. That’s exactly what Canada-based designer Kate Szabone tried with her nature-inspired jewelry business—to beautiful, and still exquisitely handcrafted, effect. “It’s really exciting to work with technology that combines the old and the new,” says Kate. “There are certain things you’re always going to do the same way, like casting, but these tools make the processes much more efficient.” Read more about how Kate combines timeless techniques with modern technology.

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Valerie Rains is a senior editor at Etsy.

The post Your Favorite Featured Shops This Season appeared first on Etsy Journal.

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