четверг, 10 мая 2018 г.

A Star Finder for Telescopes

Star Finder Telescope

Instructables user DentDentArthurDent builds and integrates an Arduino-powered star-finder with a small reflecting telescope, to easily find the galaxies, nebulae and clusters that he wanted to observe.

He states:

Traditional methods of finding objects in the night sky (using charts, maps, following constellations) are slow and require experience, and motorised ‘Go-To’ telescopes are very expensive. This project finds a happy medium between the two. Clear night skies are not common, so using this Arduino star-finder allows you to make the most of your precious viewing time.

The project includes the Adafruit ADS1015 12-bit ADC.

Star Finder Telescope

See Instructables for the full project.

And if you are looking for a telescope to automate, Adafruit carries them also!


from Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers! https://ift.tt/2jIzxr0

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